Module pipelines.utils.dump_db.tasks
General purpose tasks for dumping database data.
def database_execute(database: Database,
query: str,
flow_name: str = None,
labels: List[str] = None,
dataset_id: str = None,
table_id: str = None) ‑> None-
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@task( checkpoint=False, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def database_execute( database: Database, query: str, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument flow_name: str = None, labels: List[str] = None, dataset_id: str = None, table_id: str = None, ) -> None: """ Executes a query on the database. Args: database: The database object. query: The query to execute. """ start_time = time() log(f"Query parsed: {query}") query = remove_tabs_from_query(query) log(f"Executing query line: {query}") database.execute_query(query) time_elapsed = time() - start_time doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="db_execute", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"db_execute": time_elapsed}, ) index_document(doc)
Executes a query on the database.
- The database object.
- The query to execute.
def database_fetch(database: Database,
batch_size: str,
flow_name: str = None,
labels: List[str] = None,
dataset_id: str = None,
table_id: str = None)-
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@task( checkpoint=False, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def database_fetch( database: Database, batch_size: str, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument flow_name: str = None, labels: List[str] = None, dataset_id: str = None, table_id: str = None, ): """ Fetches the results of a query on the database. """ start_time = time() if batch_size == "all": log(f"columns: {database.get_columns()}") log(f"All rows: { database.fetch_all()}") else: try: batch_size_no = int(batch_size) except ValueError as error: raise ValueError(f"Invalid batch size: {batch_size}") from error log(f"columns: {database.get_columns()}") log(f"{batch_size_no} rows: {database.fetch_batch(batch_size_no)}") time_elapsed = time() - start_time doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="db_fetch", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"db_fetch": time_elapsed}, ) index_document(doc)
Fetches the results of a query on the database.
def database_get(database_type: str,
hostname: str,
port: int,
user: str,
password: str,
database: str,
wait=None) ‑> Database-
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@task( checkpoint=False, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def database_get( database_type: str, hostname: str, port: int, user: str, password: str, database: str, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Database: """ Returns a database object. Args: database_type: The type of the database. hostname: The hostname of the database. port: The port of the database. user: The username of the database. password: The password of the database. database: The database name. Returns: A database object. """ if database_type not in DATABASE_MAPPING: raise ValueError(f"Unknown database type: {database_type}") return DATABASE_MAPPING[database_type]( hostname=hostname, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database, )
Returns a database object.
- The type of the database.
- The hostname of the database.
- The port of the database.
- The username of the database.
- The password of the database.
- The database name.
A database object.
def dump_batches_to_file(database: Database,
batch_size: int,
prepath: str | pathlib.Path,
partition_columns: List[str] = None,
batch_data_type: str = 'csv',
flow_name: str = None,
labels: List[str] = None,
dataset_id: str = None,
table_id: str = None) ‑> pathlib.Path-
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@task( max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), nout=2, ) def dump_batches_to_file( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements database: Database, batch_size: int, prepath: Union[str, Path], partition_columns: List[str] = None, batch_data_type: str = "csv", wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument flow_name: str = None, labels: List[str] = None, dataset_id: str = None, table_id: str = None, ) -> Path: """ Dumps batches of data to FILE. """ # Get columns columns = database.get_columns() log(f"Got columns: {columns}") new_query_cols = build_query_new_columns(table_columns=columns) log("New query columns without accents:") log(f"{new_query_cols}") prepath = Path(prepath) log(f"Got prepath: {prepath}") if not partition_columns or partition_columns[0] == "": partition_column = None else: partition_column = partition_columns[0] if not partition_column: log("NO partition column specified! Writing unique files") else: log(f"Partition column: {partition_column} FOUND!! Write to partitioned files") # Initialize queues batches = Queue() dataframes = Queue() # Define thread functions def thread_batch_to_dataframe( batches: Queue, dataframes: Queue, done: Event, columns: List[str], flow_name: str, labels: List[str], dataset_id: str, table_id: str, ): while not done.is_set(): try: batch = batches.get(timeout=1) start_time = time() dataframe = batch_to_dataframe(batch, columns) elapsed_time = time() - start_time dataframes.put(dataframe) doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="batch_to_dataframe", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"batch_to_dataframe": elapsed_time}, ) index_document(doc) batches.task_done() except Empty: sleep(1) def thread_dataframe_to_csv( dataframes: Queue, done: Event, flow_name: str, labels: List[str], dataset_id: str, table_id: str, partition_column: str, partition_columns: List[str], prepath: Path, batch_data_type: str, eventid: str, ): while not done.is_set(): try: # Get dataframe from queue dataframe: pd.DataFrame = dataframes.get(timeout=1) # Clean dataframe start_time = time() old_columns = dataframe.columns.tolist() dataframe.columns = remove_columns_accents(dataframe) new_columns_dict = dict(zip(old_columns, dataframe.columns.tolist())) dataframe = clean_dataframe(dataframe) elapsed_time = time() - start_time doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="clean_dataframe", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"clean_dataframe": elapsed_time}, ) index_document(doc) # Dump dataframe to file start_time = time() if partition_column: dataframe, date_partition_columns = parse_date_columns( dataframe, new_columns_dict[partition_column] ) partitions = date_partition_columns + [ new_columns_dict[col] for col in partition_columns[1:] ] to_partitions( data=dataframe, partition_columns=partitions, savepath=prepath, data_type=batch_data_type, ) elif batch_data_type == "csv": dataframe_to_csv(dataframe, prepath / f"{eventid}-{uuid4()}.csv") elif batch_data_type == "parquet": dataframe_to_parquet( dataframe, prepath / f"{eventid}-{uuid4()}.parquet" ) elapsed_time = time() - start_time doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type=f"batch_to_{batch_data_type}", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={f"batch_to_{batch_data_type}": elapsed_time}, ) index_document(doc) dataframes.task_done() except Empty: sleep(1) # Initialize threads done = Event() eventid ="%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") worker_batch_to_dataframe = Thread( target=thread_batch_to_dataframe, args=( batches, dataframes, done, columns, flow_name, labels, dataset_id, table_id, ), ) worker_dataframe_to_csv = Thread( target=thread_dataframe_to_csv, args=( dataframes, done, flow_name, labels, dataset_id, table_id, partition_column, partition_columns, prepath, batch_data_type, eventid, ), ) worker_batch_to_dataframe.start() worker_dataframe_to_csv.start() # Dump batches start_fetch_batch = time() batch = database.fetch_batch(batch_size) time_fetch_batch = time() - start_fetch_batch doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="fetch_batch", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"fetch_batch": time_fetch_batch}, ) index_document(doc) idx = 0 while len(batch) > 0: if idx % 100 == 0: log(f"Dumping batch {idx} with size {len(batch)}") # Add current batch to queue batches.put(batch) # Get next batch start_fetch_batch = time() batch = database.fetch_batch(batch_size) time_fetch_batch = time() - start_fetch_batch doc = format_document( flow_name=flow_name, labels=labels, event_type="fetch_batch", dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, metrics={"fetch_batch": time_fetch_batch}, ) index_document(doc) idx += 1 log("Waiting for batches queue...") start_sleep = 1 max_sleep = 300 while batches.unfinished_tasks > 0: sleep(start_sleep) start_sleep = min(start_sleep * 2, max_sleep) log( f"Waiting for {batches.unfinished_tasks} batches to be parsed as dataframes..." ) batches.join() start_sleep = 1 log("Waiting for dataframes queue...") while dataframes.unfinished_tasks > 0: sleep(start_sleep) start_sleep = min(start_sleep * 2, max_sleep) log(f"Waiting for {dataframes.unfinished_tasks} dataframes to be dumped...") dataframes.join() done.set() log("Waiting for threads to finish...") worker_batch_to_dataframe.join() worker_dataframe_to_csv.join() log( f"Successfully dumped {idx} batches with size {len(batch)}, total of {idx*batch_size}" ) return prepath, idx
Dumps batches of data to FILE.
def dump_upload_batch(database: Database,
batch_size: int,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
dump_mode: str,
partition_columns: List[str] = None,
batch_data_type: str = 'csv',
biglake_table: bool = True,
log_number_of_batches: int = 100)-
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@task def dump_upload_batch( database: Database, batch_size: int, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, dump_mode: str, partition_columns: List[str] = None, batch_data_type: str = "csv", biglake_table: bool = True, log_number_of_batches: int = 100, ): """ This task will dump and upload batches of data, sequentially. """ # Log BD version bd_version = bd.__version__ log(f"Using basedosdados@{bd_version}") # Keep track of cleared stuff prepath = f"data/{uuid4()}/" cleared_partitions = set() cleared_table = False # Get data columns columns = database.get_columns() log(f"Got columns: {columns}") new_query_cols = build_query_new_columns(table_columns=columns) log(f"New query columns without accents: {new_query_cols}") prepath = Path(prepath) log(f"Got prepath: {prepath}") if not partition_columns or partition_columns[0] == "": partition_column = None else: partition_column = partition_columns[0] if not partition_column: log("NO partition column specified! Writing unique files") else: log(f"Partition column: {partition_column} FOUND!! Write to partitioned files") # Now loop until we have no more data. batch = database.fetch_batch(batch_size) idx = 0 while len(batch) > 0: # Log progress each 100 batches. log_mod( msg=f"Dumping batch {idx} with size {len(batch)}", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # Dump batch to file. dataframe = batch_to_dataframe(batch, columns) old_columns = dataframe.columns.tolist() dataframe.columns = remove_columns_accents(dataframe) new_columns_dict = dict(zip(old_columns, dataframe.columns.tolist())) dataframe = clean_dataframe(dataframe) saved_files = [] if partition_column: dataframe, date_partition_columns = parse_date_columns( dataframe, new_columns_dict[partition_column] ) partitions = date_partition_columns + [ new_columns_dict[col] for col in partition_columns[1:] ] saved_files = to_partitions( data=dataframe, partition_columns=partitions, savepath=prepath, data_type=batch_data_type, suffix=f"{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}", ) elif batch_data_type == "csv": fname = prepath / f"{uuid4()}.csv" dataframe_to_csv(dataframe, fname) saved_files = [fname] elif batch_data_type == "parquet": fname = prepath / f"{uuid4()}.parquet" dataframe_to_parquet(dataframe, fname) saved_files = [fname] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown data type: {batch_data_type}") # Log progress each 100 batches. log_mod( msg=f"Batch generated {len(saved_files)} files. Will now upload.", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # Upload files. tb = bd.Table(dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id) table_staging = f"{tb.table_full_name['staging']}" st = bd.Storage(dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id) storage_path = f"{st.bucket_name}.staging.{dataset_id}.{table_id}" storage_path_link = ( f"{st.bucket_name}" f"/staging/{dataset_id}/{table_id}" ) dataset_is_public = tb.client["bigquery_prod"].project == "datario" # If we have a partition column if partition_column: # Extract the partition from the filenames partitions = [] for saved_file in saved_files: # Remove the prepath and filename. This is the partition. partition = str(saved_file).replace(str(prepath), "") partition = partition.replace(, "") # Strip slashes from beginning and end. partition = partition.strip("/") # Add to list. partitions.append(partition) # Remove duplicates. partitions = list(set(partitions)) log_mod( msg=f"Got partitions: {partitions}", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # Loop through partitions and delete files from GCS. blobs_to_delete = [] for partition in partitions: if partition not in cleared_partitions: blobs = list_blobs_with_prefix( bucket_name=st.bucket_name, prefix=f"staging/{dataset_id}/{table_id}/{partition}", ) blobs_to_delete.extend(blobs) cleared_partitions.add(partition) if blobs_to_delete: delete_blobs_list(bucket_name=st.bucket_name, blobs=blobs_to_delete) log_mod( msg=f"Deleted {len(blobs_to_delete)} blobs from GCS: {blobs_to_delete}", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) if dump_mode == "append": if tb.table_exists(mode="staging"): log_mod( msg=( "MODE APPEND: Table ALREADY EXISTS:" + f"\n{table_staging}" + f"\n{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) else: # the header is needed to create a table when dosen't exist log_mod( msg="MODE APPEND: Table DOESN'T EXISTS\nStart to CREATE HEADER file", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) header_path = dump_header_to_file(data_path=saved_files[0]) log_mod( msg="MODE APPEND: Created HEADER file:\n" f"{header_path}", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) tb.create( path=header_path, if_storage_data_exists="replace", if_table_exists="replace", biglake_table=biglake_table, dataset_is_public=dataset_is_public, ) log_mod( msg=( "MODE APPEND: Sucessfully CREATED A NEW TABLE:\n" + f"{table_staging}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 if not cleared_table: st.delete_table( mode="staging", bucket_name=st.bucket_name, not_found_ok=True, ) log_mod( msg=( "MODE APPEND: Sucessfully REMOVED HEADER DATA from Storage:\n" + f"{storage_path}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 cleared_table = True elif dump_mode == "overwrite": if tb.table_exists(mode="staging") and not cleared_table: log_mod( msg=( "MODE OVERWRITE: Table ALREADY EXISTS, DELETING OLD DATA!\n" + f"{storage_path}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 st.delete_table( mode="staging", bucket_name=st.bucket_name, not_found_ok=True ) log_mod( msg=( "MODE OVERWRITE: Sucessfully DELETED OLD DATA from Storage:\n" + f"{storage_path}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 # delete only staging table and let DBT overwrite the prod table tb.delete(mode="staging") log_mod( msg=( "MODE OVERWRITE: Sucessfully DELETED TABLE:\n" + f"{table_staging}\n" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 if not cleared_table: # the header is needed to create a table when dosen't exist # in overwrite mode the header is always created st.delete_table( mode="staging", bucket_name=st.bucket_name, not_found_ok=True ) log_mod( msg=( "MODE OVERWRITE: Sucessfully DELETED OLD DATA from Storage:\n" + f"{storage_path}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 log_mod( msg="MODE OVERWRITE: Table DOSEN'T EXISTS\nStart to CREATE HEADER file", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) header_path = dump_header_to_file(data_path=saved_files[0]) log_mod( "MODE OVERWRITE: Created HEADER file:\n" f"{header_path}", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) tb.create( path=header_path, if_storage_data_exists="replace", if_table_exists="replace", biglake_table=biglake_table, dataset_is_public=dataset_is_public, ) log_mod( msg=( "MODE OVERWRITE: Sucessfully CREATED TABLE\n" + f"{table_staging}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) st.delete_table( mode="staging", bucket_name=st.bucket_name, not_found_ok=True ) log_mod( msg=( f"MODE OVERWRITE: Sucessfully REMOVED HEADER DATA from Storage\n:" + f"{storage_path}\n" + f"{storage_path_link}" ), index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # pylint: disable=C0301 cleared_table = True log_mod( msg="STARTING UPLOAD TO GCS", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) if tb.table_exists(mode="staging"): # Upload them all at once tb.append(filepath=prepath, if_exists="replace") log_mod( msg="STEP UPLOAD: Sucessfully uploaded all batch files to Storage", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) for saved_file in saved_files: # Delete the files saved_file.unlink() else: # pylint: disable=C0301 log_mod( msg="STEP UPLOAD: Table does not exist in STAGING, need to create first", index=idx, mod=log_number_of_batches, ) # Get next batch. batch = database.fetch_batch(batch_size) idx += 1 log( msg=f"Successfully dumped {idx} batches with size {len(batch)}, total of {idx*batch_size}", )
This task will dump and upload batches of data, sequentially.
def format_partitioned_query(query: str,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
database_type: str,
partition_columns: List[str] = None,
lower_bound_date: str = None,
date_format: str = None,
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@task( checkpoint=False, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def format_partitioned_query( query: str, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, database_type: str, partition_columns: List[str] = None, lower_bound_date: str = None, date_format: str = None, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ): """ Formats a query for fetching partitioned data. """ # If no partition column is specified, return the query as is. if not partition_columns or partition_columns[0] == "": log("NO partition column specified. Returning query as is") return query partition_column = partition_columns[0] # Check if the table already exists in BigQuery. table = bd.Table(dataset_id, table_id) # If it doesn't, return the query as is, so we can fetch the whole table. if not table.table_exists(mode="staging"): log("NO tables was found. Returning query as is") return query blobs = get_storage_blobs(dataset_id, table_id) # extract only partitioned folders storage_partitions_dict = parser_blobs_to_partition_dict(blobs) # get last partition date last_partition_date = extract_last_partition_date( storage_partitions_dict, date_format ) if lower_bound_date == "current_year": lower_bound_date =, day=1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") log(f"Using lower_bound_date current_year: {lower_bound_date}") elif lower_bound_date == "current_month": lower_bound_date ="%Y-%m-%d") log(f"Using lower_bound_date current_month: {lower_bound_date}") elif lower_bound_date == "current_day": lower_bound_date ="%Y-%m-%d") log(f"Using lower_bound_date current_day: {lower_bound_date}") if lower_bound_date: last_date = min(str(lower_bound_date), str(last_partition_date)) log(f"Using lower_bound_date: {last_date}") else: last_date = str(last_partition_date) log(f"Using last_date from storage: {last_date}") # Using the last partition date, get the partitioned query. # `aux_name` must be unique and start with a letter, for better compatibility with # multiple DBMSs. aux_name = f"a{uuid4().hex}"[:8] log( f"Partitioned DETECTED: {partition_column}, retuning a NEW QUERY " "with partitioned columns and filters" ) if database_type == "oracle": oracle_date_format = "YYYY-MM-DD" if date_format == "%Y-%m-%d" else date_format return f""" with {aux_name} as ({query}) select * from {aux_name} where {partition_column} >= TO_DATE('{last_date}', '{oracle_date_format}') """ return f""" with {aux_name} as ({query}) select * from {aux_name} where {partition_column} >= '{last_date}' """
Formats a query for fetching partitioned data.
def parse_comma_separated_string_to_list(text: str) ‑> List[str]
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@task def parse_comma_separated_string_to_list(text: str) -> List[str]: """ Parses a comma separated string to a list. Args: text: The text to parse. Returns: A list of strings. """ if text is None or not text: return [] # Remove extras. text = text.replace("\n", "") text = text.replace("\r", "") text = text.replace("\t", "") while ",," in text: text = text.replace(",,", ",") while text.endswith(","): text = text[:-1] result = [x.strip() for x in text.split(",")] result = [item for item in result if item != "" and item is not None] return result
Parses a comma separated string to a list.
- The text to parse.
A list of strings.