Module pipelines.utils.custom
Customizing stuff for the pipelines package.
def wait_for_flow_run_with_timeout(timeout: int | datetime.timedelta)
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def wait_for_flow_run_with_timeout(timeout: Union[int, timedelta]): """ Builds the `wait_for_flow_run` task with a timeout. Example: if you provide `timeout=120`, it would be equivalent to: ```python @task(timeout=120) def wait_for_flow_run(...): ... ``` """ @task(timeout=timeout) def wait_for_flow_run( flow_run_id: str, stream_states: bool = True, stream_logs: bool = False, raise_final_state: bool = False, ) -> "FlowRunView": """ Task to wait for a flow run to finish executing, streaming state and log information Args: - flow_run_id: The flow run id to wait for - stream_states: Stream information about the flow run state changes - stream_logs: Stream flow run logs; if `stream_state` is `False` this will be ignored - raise_final_state: If set, the state of this task will be set to the final state of the child flow run on completion. Returns: FlowRunView: A view of the flow run after completion """ flow_run = FlowRunView.from_flow_run_id(flow_run_id) for log in watch_flow_run( flow_run_id, stream_states=stream_states, stream_logs=stream_logs ): message = f"Flow {!r}: {log.message}" prefect.context.logger.log(log.level, message) # pylint: disable=no-member # Get the final view of the flow run flow_run = flow_run.get_latest() if raise_final_state: state_signal = signal_from_state(flow_run.state)( message=f"{flow_run_id} finished in state {flow_run.state}", result=flow_run, ) raise state_signal return flow_run return wait_for_flow_run
Builds the
task with a timeout.Example: if you provide
, it would be equivalent to:@task(timeout=120) def wait_for_flow_run(...): ...
class CustomFlow (name: str,
schedule: prefect.schedules.schedules.Schedule = None,
executor: prefect.executors.base.Executor = None,
environment: prefect.environments.execution.base.Environment = None,
run_config: prefect.run_configs.base.RunConfig = None,
storage: = None,
tasks: Iterable[prefect.core.task.Task] = None,
edges: Iterable[prefect.core.edge.Edge] = None,
reference_tasks: Iterable[prefect.core.task.Task] = None,
state_handlers: List[Callable] = None,
validate: bool = None,
result: prefect.engine.result.base.Result | None = None,
terminal_state_handler: Callable[[ForwardRef('Flow'), prefect.engine.state.State, Set[prefect.engine.state.State]], prefect.engine.state.State | None] | None = None,
code_owners: List[str] | None = None,
skip_if_running: bool = False)-
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class CustomFlow(Flow): """ A custom Flow class that implements code ownership in order to make it easier to notify people when a FlowRun fails. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals self, name: str, schedule: Schedule = None, executor: Executor = None, environment: Environment = None, run_config: RunConfig = None, storage: Storage = None, tasks: Iterable[Task] = None, edges: Iterable[Edge] = None, reference_tasks: Iterable[Task] = None, state_handlers: List[Callable] = None, validate: bool = None, result: Optional[Result] = None, terminal_state_handler: Optional[ Callable[["Flow", State, Set[State]], Optional[State]] ] = None, code_owners: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_if_running: bool = False, ): if skip_if_running: if state_handlers is None: state_handlers = [] state_handlers.append(skip_if_running_handler) super().__init__( name=name, schedule=schedule, executor=executor, environment=environment, run_config=run_config, storage=storage, tasks=tasks, edges=edges, reference_tasks=reference_tasks, state_handlers=state_handlers, on_failure=partial( notify_discord_on_failure, secret_path=constants.EMD_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_SECRET_PATH.value, code_owners=code_owners, ), validate=validate, result=result, terminal_state_handler=terminal_state_handler, )
A custom Flow class that implements code ownership in order to make it easier to notify people when a FlowRun fails.
- prefect.core.flow.Flow