Module pipelines.rj_smtr.veiculo.tasks
Tasks for veiculos
def get_raw_ftp(ftp_path: str, filetype: str, csv_args: dict, timestamp: datetime.datetime)
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@task( max_retries=constants.MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def get_raw_ftp( ftp_path: str, filetype: str, csv_args: dict, timestamp: datetime, ): """ Retrieves raw data from an FTP server. Args: ftp_path (str): The path to the file on the FTP server. filetype (str): The file extension of the raw data file. csv_args (dict): Additional arguments to be passed to the `pd.read_csv` function. timestamp (datetime): The timestamp used to construct the file name. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the retrieved data and any error messages. The 'data' key holds the retrieved data as a list of dictionaries. The 'error' key holds any error message encountered during the retrieval process. """ data = None error = None try: if filetype in ("csv", "txt"): ftp_client = connect_ftp(constants.RDO_FTPS_SECRET_PATH.value) data = io.BytesIO() ftp_client.retrbinary( f"RETR {ftp_path}_{timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d')}.{filetype}", data.write, ) data = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO("utf-8")), **csv_args, ).to_dict(orient="records") ftp_client.quit() else: error = "Unsupported raw file extension. Supported only: csv and txt" except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() data = None log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return {"data": data, "error": error}
Retrieves raw data from an FTP server.
- The path to the file on the FTP server.
- The file extension of the raw data file.
- Additional arguments to be passed to the
function. timestamp
- The timestamp used to construct the file name.
- A dictionary containing the retrieved data and any error messages. The 'data' key holds the retrieved data as a list of dictionaries. The 'error' key holds any error message encountered during the retrieval process.
def get_veiculo_raw_storage(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, timestamp: datetime.datetime, csv_args: dict) ‑> dict
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@task def get_veiculo_raw_storage( dataset_id: str, table_id: str, timestamp: datetime, csv_args: dict, ) -> dict: """Get data from daily manually extracted files received by email Args: dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery timestamp (datetime): file extraction date csv_args (dict): Arguments for read_csv """ data = None error = None filename_map = { constants.SPPO_LICENCIAMENTO_TABLE_ID.value: "Cadastro de Veiculos", constants.SPPO_INFRACAO_TABLE_ID.value: "MULTAS", } filename = f"{filename_map[table_id]}_{'%Y%m%d')}" try: bucket = bd.Storage(dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id) blob = ( bucket.client["storage_staging"] .bucket(bucket.bucket_name) .get_blob(f"upload/{dataset_id}/{table_id}/{filename}.zip") ) data = blob.download_as_bytes() with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data), "r") as zipped_file: data ="{filename}.txt") data = data.decode(encoding="utf-8") data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data), **csv_args).to_dict(orient="records") except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return {"data": data, "error": error}
Get data from daily manually extracted files received by email
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
- file extraction date
- Arguments for read_csv
def pre_treatment_sppo_infracao(status: dict, timestamp: datetime.datetime)
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@task def pre_treatment_sppo_infracao(status: dict, timestamp: datetime): """Basic data treatment for violation data. Apply filtering to raw data. Args: status_dict (dict): dict containing the status of the request made. Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error timestamp (datetime): timestamp of the data capture Returns: dict: dict containing the data treated and the current error status. """ # Check previous error if status["error"] is not None: return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]} try: error = None data = pd.json_normalize(status["data"]) log( f""" Received inputs: - timestamp:\n{timestamp} - data:\n{data.head()}""" ) log(f"Raw data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info") log("Renaming columns...", level="info") data = data.rename(columns=constants.SPPO_INFRACAO_MAPPING_KEYS.value) log("Adding captured timestamp column...", level="info") data["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp log("Striping string columns and replacing empty strings...", level="info") for col in data.columns[data.dtypes == "object"].to_list(): data[col] = data[col].str.strip().replace("", np.nan) log("Updating valor type to float...", level="info") data["valor"] = data["valor"].str.replace(",", ".").astype(float) filters = ["modo != 'ONIBUS'"] log(f"Filtering '{filters}'...", level="info") data = filter_data(data, filters) log("Filtering null primary keys...", level="info") primary_key = ["placa", "id_auto_infracao"] data.dropna(subset=primary_key, inplace=True) # Check primary keys # pk_columns = ["placa", "id_auto_infracao"] # check_new_data = f"data_infracao == '{timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}'" # check_not_null(data, pk_columns, subset_query=check_new_data) log( f"Finished cleaning! Pre-treated data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info" ) log("Creating nested structure...", level="info") pk_cols = primary_key + ["timestamp_captura"] data = ( data.groupby(pk_cols) .apply( lambda x: x[data.columns.difference(pk_cols)].to_json(orient="records") ) .str.strip("[]") .reset_index(name="content")[primary_key + ["content", "timestamp_captura"]] ) log( f"Finished nested structure! Pre-treated data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info", ) except Exception as exp: # pylint: disable=W0703 error = exp return {"data": data, "error": error}
Basic data treatment for violation data. Apply filtering to raw data.
- dict containing the status of the request made.
- Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error
- timestamp of the data capture
- dict containing the data treated and the current error status.
def pre_treatment_sppo_licenciamento(status: dict, timestamp: datetime.datetime)
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@task def pre_treatment_sppo_licenciamento(status: dict, timestamp: datetime): """Basic data treatment for vehicle data. Apply filtering to raw data. Args: status_dict (dict): dict containing the status of the request made. Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error timestamp (datetime): timestamp of the data capture Returns: dict: dict containing the data treated and the current error status. """ # Check previous error if status["error"] is not None: return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]} try: error = None data = pd.json_normalize(status["data"]) log( f""" Received inputs: - timestamp:\n{timestamp} - data:\n{data.head()}""" ) log(f"Raw data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info") log("Renaming columns...", level="info") data = data.rename(columns=constants.SPPO_LICENCIAMENTO_MAPPING_KEYS.value) log("Adding captured timestamp column...", level="info") data["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp log("Striping string columns...", level="info") for col in data.columns[data.dtypes == "object"].to_list(): data[col] = data[col].str.strip() log("Converting boolean values...", level="info") for col in data.columns[data.columns.str.contains("indicador")].to_list(): data[col] = data[col].map({"Sim": True, "Nao": False}) # Check data # check_columns = [["id_veiculo", "placa"], ["tipo_veiculo", "id_planta"]] # check_relation(data, check_columns) log("Filtering null primary keys...", level="info") primary_key = ["id_veiculo"] data.dropna(subset=primary_key, inplace=True) log("Update indicador_ar_condicionado based on tipo_veiculo...", level="info") data["indicador_ar_condicionado"] = data["tipo_veiculo"].map( lambda x: ( None if not isinstance(x, str) else bool("C/AR" in x.replace(" ", "")) ) ) log("Update status...", level="info") data["status"] = "Licenciado" log( f"Finished cleaning! Pre-treated data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info" ) log("Creating nested structure...", level="info") pk_cols = primary_key + ["timestamp_captura"] data = ( data.groupby(pk_cols) .apply( lambda x: x[data.columns.difference(pk_cols)].to_json(orient="records") ) .str.strip("[]") .reset_index(name="content")[primary_key + ["content", "timestamp_captura"]] ) log( f"Finished nested structure! Pre-treated data:\n{data_info_str(data)}", level="info", ) except Exception as exp: # pylint: disable=W0703 error = exp if error is not None: log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return {"data": data, "error": error}
Basic data treatment for vehicle data. Apply filtering to raw data.
- dict containing the status of the request made.
- Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error
- timestamp of the data capture
- dict containing the data treated and the current error status.