Module pipelines.rj_smtr.utils
General purpose functions for rj_smtr
def bq_project(kind: str = 'bigquery_prod')
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def bq_project(kind: str = "bigquery_prod"): """Get the set BigQuery project_id Args: kind (str, optional): Which client to get the project name from. Options are 'bigquery_staging', 'bigquery_prod' and 'storage_staging' Defaults to 'bigquery_prod'. Returns: str: the requested project_id """ return bd.upload.base.Base().client[kind].project
Get the set BigQuery project_id
, optional- Which client to get the project name from.
Options are 'bigquery_staging', 'bigquery_prod' and 'storage_staging' Defaults to 'bigquery_prod'.
- the requested project_id
def check_not_null(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, columns: list, subset_query: str = None)
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def check_not_null(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list, subset_query: str = None): """ Check if there are null values in columns. Args: columns (list): list of columns to check subset_query (str): query to check if there are important data being removed Returns: None """ for col in columns: remove = data.query(f"{col} != {col}") # null values log( f"[data-check] There are {len(remove)} rows with null values in '{col}'", level="info", ) if subset_query is not None: # Check if there are important data being removed remove = remove.query(subset_query) if len(remove) > 0: log( f"""[data-check] There are {len(remove)} critical rows with null values in '{col}' (query: {subset_query})""", level="warning", )
Check if there are null values in columns.
- list of columns to check
- query to check if there are important data
being removed
def check_relation(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, columns: list)
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def check_relation(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list): """ Check relation between collumns. Args: data (pd.DataFrame): dataframe to be modified columns (list): list of lists of columns to be checked Returns: None """ for cols in columns: df_dup = ( data[~data.duplicated(subset=cols)] .groupby(cols) .count() .reset_index() .iloc[:, :1] ) for col in cols: df_dup_col = ( data[~data.duplicated(subset=col)] .groupby(col) .count() .reset_index() .iloc[:, :1] ) if len(df_dup_col[~df_dup_col[col].duplicated()]) == len(df_dup): log( f"[data-check] Comparing '{col}' in '{cols}', there are no duplicated values", level="info", ) else: log( f"[data-check] Comparing '{col}' in '{cols}', there are duplicated values", level="warning", )
Check relation between collumns.
- dataframe to be modified
- list of lists of columns to be checked
def close_db_connection(connection, engine: str)
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def close_db_connection(connection, engine: str): """ Safely close a database connection Args: connection: the database connection engine (str): The datase management system """ if engine == "postgresql": if not connection.closed: connection.close() log("Database connection closed") elif engine == "mysql": if connection.close() log("Database connection closed") else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Engine {engine} not supported")
Safely close a database connection
- the database connection
- The datase management system
def connect_ftp(secret_path: str = None, secure: bool = True)
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def connect_ftp(secret_path: str = None, secure: bool = True): """Connect to FTP Returns: ImplicitFTP_TLS: ftp client """ ftp_data = get_vault_secret(secret_path)["data"] if secure: ftp_client = ImplicitFtpTls() else: ftp_client = FTP() ftp_client.connect(host=ftp_data["host"], port=int(ftp_data["port"])) ftp_client.login(user=ftp_data["username"], passwd=ftp_data["pwd"]) if secure: ftp_client.prot_p() return ftp_client
Connect to FTP
- ftp client
def create_bq_external_table(table_obj: basedosdados.upload.table.Table, path: str, bucket_name: str)
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def create_bq_external_table(table_obj: Table, path: str, bucket_name: str): """Creates an BigQuery External table based on sample data Args: table_obj (Table): BD Table object path (str): Table data local path bucket_name (str, Optional): The bucket name where the data is located """ Storage( dataset_id=table_obj.dataset_id, table_id=table_obj.table_id, bucket_name=bucket_name, ).upload( path=path, mode="staging", if_exists="replace", ) bq_table = bigquery.Table(table_obj.table_full_name["staging"]) project_name = table_obj.client["bigquery_prod"].project table_full_name = table_obj.table_full_name["prod"].replace( project_name, f"{project_name}.{bucket_name}", 1 ) bq_table.description = f"staging table for `{table_full_name}`" bq_table.external_data_configuration = Datatype( dataset_id=table_obj.dataset_id, table_id=table_obj.table_id, schema=create_bq_table_schema( data_sample_path=path, ), mode="staging", bucket_name=bucket_name, partitioned=True, biglake_connection_id=None, ).external_config table_obj.client["bigquery_staging"].create_table(bq_table)
Creates an BigQuery External table based on sample data
- BD Table object
- Table data local path
:str, Optional
- The bucket name where the data is located
def create_bq_table_schema(data_sample_path: str | pathlib.Path) ‑> list[]
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def create_bq_table_schema( data_sample_path: Union[str, Path], ) -> list[bigquery.SchemaField]: """ Create the bq schema based on the structure of data_sample_path. Args: data_sample_path (str, Path): Data sample path to auto complete columns names Returns: list[bigquery.SchemaField]: The table schema """ data_sample_path = Path(data_sample_path) if data_sample_path.is_dir(): data_sample_path = [ f for f in data_sample_path.glob("**/*") if f.is_file() and f.suffix == ".csv" ][0] columns = Datatype(source_format="csv").header( data_sample_path=data_sample_path, csv_delimiter="," ) schema = [] for col in columns: schema.append( bigquery.SchemaField(name=col, field_type="STRING", description=None) ) return schema
Create the bq schema based on the structure of data_sample_path.
:str, Path
- Data sample path to auto complete columns names
- The table schema
def create_or_append_table(dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
path: str,
partitions: str = None,
bucket_name: str = None)-
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def create_or_append_table( dataset_id: str, table_id: str, path: str, partitions: str = None, bucket_name: str = None, ): """Conditionally create table or append data to its relative GCS folder. Args: dataset_id (str): target dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): target table_id on BigQuery path (str): Path to .csv data file partitions (str): partition string. bucket_name (str, Optional): The bucket name to save the data. """ table_arguments = {"table_id": table_id, "dataset_id": dataset_id} if bucket_name is not None: table_arguments["bucket_name"] = bucket_name tb_obj = Table(**table_arguments) dirpath = path.split(partitions)[0] if bucket_name is not None: create_func = partial( create_bq_external_table, table_obj=tb_obj, path=dirpath, bucket_name=bucket_name, ) append_func = partial( Storage( dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, bucket_name=bucket_name ).upload, path=path, mode="staging", if_exists="replace", partitions=partitions, ) else: create_func = partial( tb_obj.create, path=dirpath, if_table_exists="pass", if_storage_data_exists="replace", ) append_func = partial( tb_obj.append, filepath=path, if_exists="replace", timeout=600, partitions=partitions, ) if not tb_obj.table_exists("staging"): log("Table does not exist in STAGING, creating table...") create_func() log("Table created in STAGING") else: log("Table already exists in STAGING, appending to it...") append_func() log("Appended to table on STAGING successfully.")
Conditionally create table or append data to its relative GCS folder.
- target dataset_id on BigQuery
- target table_id on BigQuery
- Path to .csv data file
- partition string.
:str, Optional
- The bucket name to save the data.
def custom_serialization(obj: Any) ‑> Any
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def custom_serialization(obj: Any) -> Any: """ Function to serialize not JSON serializable objects Args: obj (Any): Object to serialize Returns: Any: Serialized object """ if isinstance(obj, (pd.Timestamp, date)): if isinstance(obj, pd.Timestamp): if obj.tzinfo is None: obj = obj.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert( emd_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.value ) return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError(f"Object of type {type(obj)} is not JSON serializable")
Function to serialize not JSON serializable objects
- Object to serialize
- Serialized object
def data_info_str(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)
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def data_info_str(data: pd.DataFrame): """ Return dataframe info as a str to log Args: data (pd.DataFrame): dataframe Returns: as a string """ buffer = io.StringIO() return buffer.getvalue()
Return dataframe info as a str to log
- dataframe
Returns as a string
def dict_contains_keys(input_dict: dict, keys: list[str]) ‑> bool
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def dict_contains_keys(input_dict: dict, keys: list[str]) -> bool: """ Test if the input dict has all keys present in the list Args: input_dict (dict): the dict to test if has the keys keys (list[str]): the list containing the keys to check Returns: bool: True if the input_dict has all the keys otherwise False """ return all(x in input_dict.keys() for x in keys)
Test if the input dict has all keys present in the list
- the dict to test if has the keys
- the list containing the keys to check
- True if the input_dict has all the keys otherwise False
def execute_db_query(engine: str, query: str, connection, connector, connection_info: dict) ‑> list[dict]
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def execute_db_query( engine: str, query: str, connection, connector, connection_info: dict, ) -> list[dict]: """ Execute a query if retries Args: query (str): the SQL Query to execute engine (str): The database management system connection: The database connection connector: The database connector (to do reconnections) connection_info (dict): The database connector params (to do reconnections) Returns: list[dict]: The query results """ retries = 10 for retry in range(retries): try: log(f"Executing query:\n{query}") data = pd.read_sql(sql=query, con=connection).to_dict(orient="records") for d in data: for k, v in d.items(): if pd.isna(v): d[k] = None break except Exception as err: log(f"[ATTEMPT {retry}]: {err}") close_db_connection(connection=connection, engine=engine) if retry < retries - 1: connection = connector(**connection_info) else: raise err close_db_connection(connection=connection, engine=engine) return data
Execute a query if retries
- the SQL Query to execute
- The database management system
- The database connection
- The database connector (to do reconnections)
- The database connector params (to do reconnections)
- The query results
def filter_data(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, filters: list, subset_query: str = None)
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def filter_data(data: pd.DataFrame, filters: list, subset_query: str = None): """ Filter data from a dataframe Args: data (pd.DataFrame): data DataFrame filters (list): list of queries to filter data Returns: pandas.DataFrame: data without filter data """ for item in filters: remove = data.query(item) data = data.drop(remove.index) log( f"[data-filter] Removed {len(remove)} rows from filter: {item}", level="info", ) if subset_query is not None: # Check if there are important data being removed remove = remove.query(subset_query) if len(remove) > 0: log( f"""[data-filter] Removed {len(remove)} critical rows from filter: {item} (subquery: {subset_query})""", level="warning", ) return data
Filter data from a dataframe
- data DataFrame
- list of queries to filter data
- data without filter data
def filter_null(data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, columns: list, subset_query: str = None)
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def filter_null(data: pd.DataFrame, columns: list, subset_query: str = None): """ Filter null values in columns. Args: columns (list): list of columns to check subset_query (str): query to check if there are important data being removed Returns: pandas.DataFrame: data without null values """ for col in columns: remove = data.query(f"{col} != {col}") # null values data = data.drop(remove.index) log( f"[data-filter] Removed {len(remove)} rows with null '{col}'", level="info", ) if subset_query is not None: # Check if there are important data being removed remove = remove.query(subset_query) if len(remove) > 0: log( f"[data-filter] Removed {len(remove)} critical rows with null '{col}'", level="warning", ) return data
Filter null values in columns.
- list of columns to check
- query to check if there are important data
being removed
- data without null values
def format_send_discord_message(formatted_messages: list, webhook_url: str)
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def format_send_discord_message(formatted_messages: list, webhook_url: str): """ Format and send a message to discord Args: formatted_messages (list): The formatted messages webhook_url (str): The webhook url Returns: None """ formatted_message = "".join(formatted_messages) log(formatted_message) msg_ext = len(formatted_message) if msg_ext > 2000: log( f"** Message too long ({msg_ext} characters), will be split into multiple messages **" ) # Split message into lines lines = formatted_message.split("\n") message_chunks = [] chunk = "" for line in lines: if len(chunk) + len(line) + 1 > 2000: # +1 for the newline character message_chunks.append(chunk) chunk = "" chunk += line + "\n" message_chunks.append(chunk) # Append the last chunk for chunk in message_chunks: send_discord_message( message=chunk, webhook_url=webhook_url, ) else: send_discord_message( message=formatted_message, webhook_url=webhook_url, )
Format and send a message to discord
- The formatted messages
- The webhook url
def generate_df_and_save(data: dict, fname: pathlib.Path)
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def generate_df_and_save(data: dict, fname: Path): """Save DataFrame as csv Args: data (dict): dict with the data which to build the DataFrame fname (Path): _description_ """ # Generate dataframe dataframe = pd.DataFrame() dataframe[data["key_column"]] = [ piece[data["key_column"]] for piece in data["data"] ] dataframe["content"] = list(data["data"]) # Save dataframe to CSV dataframe.to_csv(fname, index=False)
Save DataFrame as csv
- dict with the data which to build the DataFrame
- description
def generate_execute_schedules(clock_interval: datetime.timedelta,
labels: List[str],
table_parameters: list[dict] | dict,
runs_interval_minutes: int = 15,
start_date: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Sao_Paulo' LMT-1 day, 20:54:00 STD>),
**general_flow_params) ‑> List[prefect.schedules.clocks.IntervalClock]-
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def generate_execute_schedules( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals clock_interval: timedelta, labels: List[str], table_parameters: Union[list[dict], dict], runs_interval_minutes: int = 15, start_date: datetime = datetime( 2020, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone(emd_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.value) ), **general_flow_params, ) -> List[IntervalClock]: """ Generates multiple schedules Args: clock_interval (timedelta): The interval to run the schedule labels (List[str]): The labels to be added to the schedule table_parameters (list): The table parameters to iterate over runs_interval_minutes (int, optional): The interval between each schedule. Defaults to 15. start_date (datetime, optional): The start date of the schedule. Defaults to datetime(2020, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone(emd_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.value)). general_flow_params: Any param that you want to pass to the flow Returns: List[IntervalClock]: The list of schedules """ if isinstance(table_parameters, dict): table_parameters = [table_parameters] clocks = [] for count, parameters in enumerate(table_parameters): parameter_defaults = parameters | general_flow_params clocks.append( IntervalClock( interval=clock_interval, start_date=start_date + timedelta(minutes=runs_interval_minutes * count), labels=labels, parameter_defaults=parameter_defaults, ) ) return clocks
Generates multiple schedules
- The interval to run the schedule
- The labels to be added to the schedule
- The table parameters to iterate over
, optional- The interval between each schedule. Defaults to 15.
, optional- The start date of the schedule. Defaults to datetime(2020, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.timezone(emd_constants.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.value)).
- Any param that you want to pass to the flow
- The list of schedules
def get_datetime_range(timestamp: datetime.datetime, interval: datetime.timedelta) ‑> dict
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def get_datetime_range( timestamp: datetime, interval: timedelta, ) -> dict: """ Task to get datetime range in UTC Args: timestamp (datetime): timestamp to get datetime range interval (timedelta): interval to get datetime range Returns: dict: datetime range """ start = ( (timestamp - interval) .astimezone(tz=pytz.timezone("UTC")) .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) end = timestamp.astimezone(tz=pytz.timezone("UTC")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return {"start": start, "end": end}
Task to get datetime range in UTC
- timestamp to get datetime range
- interval to get datetime range
- datetime range
def get_last_run_timestamp(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = 'prod') ‑> str
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def get_last_run_timestamp(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = "prod") -> str: """ Query redis to retrive the time for when the last materialization ran. Args: dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): model filename on the queries repo. eg: if you have a model defined in the file <filename>.sql, the table_id should be <filename> mode (str): Returns: Union[str, None]: _description_ """ redis_client = get_redis_client() key = dataset_id + "." + table_id log(f"Fetching key {key} from redis, working on mode {mode}") if mode == "dev": key = f"{mode}.{key}" runs = redis_client.get(key) # if runs is None: # redis_client.set(key, "") try: last_run_timestamp = runs["last_run_timestamp"] except KeyError: return None except TypeError: return None log(f"Got value {last_run_timestamp}") return last_run_timestamp
Query redis to retrive the time for when the last materialization ran.
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- model filename on the queries repo.
- if you have a model defined in the file
the table_id should be
mode (str): Returns
Union[str, None]
- description
def get_raw_data_api(url: str, secret_path: str = None, api_params: dict = None, filetype: str = None) ‑> tuple[str, str, str]
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def get_raw_data_api( # pylint: disable=R0912 url: str, secret_path: str = None, api_params: dict = None, filetype: str = None, ) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """ Request data from URL API Args: url (str): URL to request data secret_path (str, optional): Secret path to get headers. Defaults to None. api_params (dict, optional): Parameters to pass to API. Defaults to None. filetype (str, optional): Filetype to save raw file. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple[str, str, str]: Error, data and filetype """ error = None data = None try: if secret_path is None: headers = secret_path else: headers = get_vault_secret(secret_path)["data"] response = requests.get( url, headers=headers, timeout=constants.MAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.value, params=api_params, ) response.raise_for_status() if filetype == "json": data = response.json() else: data = response.text except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return error, data, filetype
Request data from URL API
- URL to request data
, optional- Secret path to get headers. Defaults to None.
, optional- Parameters to pass to API. Defaults to None.
, optional- Filetype to save raw file. Defaults to None.
tuple[str, str, str]
- Error, data and filetype
def get_raw_data_db(query: str,
engine: str,
host: str,
secret_path: str,
database: str,
page_size: int = None,
max_pages: int = None) ‑> tuple[str, str, str]-
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def get_raw_data_db( query: str, engine: str, host: str, secret_path: str, database: str, page_size: int = None, max_pages: int = None, ) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """ Get data from Databases Args: query (str): the SQL Query to execute engine (str): The database management system host (str): The database host secret_path (str): Secret path to get credentials database (str): The database to connect page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of rows returned by the paginated query if you set a value for this argument, the query will have LIMIT and OFFSET appended to it max_pages (int, Optional): The maximum number of paginated queries to execute Returns: tuple[str, str, str]: Error, data and filetype """ connector_mapping = { "postgresql": psycopg2.connect, "mysql": pymysql.connect, } data = None error = None if max_pages is None: max_pages = 1 full_data = [] credentials = get_vault_secret(secret_path)["data"] connector = connector_mapping[engine] try: connection_info = { "host": host, "user": credentials["user"], "password": credentials["password"], "database": database, } connection = connector(**connection_info) for page in range(max_pages): if page_size is not None: paginated_query = ( query + f" LIMIT {page_size} OFFSET {page * page_size}" ) else: paginated_query = query data = execute_db_query( engine=engine, query=paginated_query, connection=connection, connector=connector, connection_info=connection_info, ) full_data += data log(f"Returned {len(data)} rows") if page_size is None or len(data) < page_size: log("Database Extraction Finished") break except Exception: full_data = [] error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return error, full_data, "json"
Get data from Databases
- the SQL Query to execute
- The database management system
- The database host
- Secret path to get credentials
- The database to connect
:int, Optional
- The maximum number of rows returned by the paginated query if you set a value for this argument, the query will have LIMIT and OFFSET appended to it
:int, Optional
- The maximum number of paginated queries to execute
tuple[str, str, str]
- Error, data and filetype
def get_raw_data_gcs(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, zip_filename: str = None, bucket_name: str = None) ‑> tuple[str, str, str]
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def get_raw_data_gcs( dataset_id: str, table_id: str, zip_filename: str = None, bucket_name: str = None ) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """ Get raw data from GCS Args: dataset_id (str): The dataset id on BigQuery. table_id (str): The table id on BigQuery. zip_filename (str, optional): The zip file name. Defaults to None. bucket_name (str, Optional): The bucket name to get the data. Returns: tuple[str, str, str]: Error, data and filetype """ error = None data = None filetype = None try: blob_search_name = zip_filename or table_id blob = get_upload_storage_blob( dataset_id=dataset_id, filename=blob_search_name, bucket_name=bucket_name ) filename = filetype = filename.split(".")[-1] data = blob.download_as_bytes() if filetype == "zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data), "r") as zipped_file: filenames = zipped_file.namelist() filename = list( filter(lambda x: x.split(".")[0] == table_id, filenames) )[0] filetype = filename.split(".")[-1] data = data = data.decode(encoding="utf-8") except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return error, data, filetype
Get raw data from GCS
- The dataset id on BigQuery.
- The table id on BigQuery.
, optional- The zip file name. Defaults to None.
:str, Optional
- The bucket name to get the data.
tuple[str, str, str]
- Error, data and filetype
def get_raw_recursos(request_url: str, request_params: dict) ‑> tuple[str, str, str]
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def get_raw_recursos( request_url: str, request_params: dict, ) -> tuple[str, str, str]: """ Returns a dataframe with recursos data from movidesk api. """ all_records = False top = 1000 skip = 0 error = None filetype = "json" data = [] while not all_records: try: request_params["$top"] = top request_params["$skip"] = skip log(f'top: {request_params["$top"]}, skip: {request_params["$skip"]}') log(f"Request url {request_url}") MAX_RETRIES = 3 for retry in range(MAX_RETRIES): response = requests.get( request_url, params=request_params, timeout=constants.MAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS.value, ) if response.ok: break elif response.status_code >= 500: log(f"Server error {response.status_code}") if retry == MAX_RETRIES - 1: response.raise_for_status() time.sleep(60) else: response.raise_for_status() paginated_data = response.json() if isinstance(paginated_data, dict): paginated_data = [paginated_data] if len(paginated_data) == top: skip += top time.sleep(60) else: if len(paginated_data) == 0: log("Nenhum dado para tratar.") all_records = True data += paginated_data log(f"Dados (paginados): {len(data)}") except Exception as error: error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") data = [] break log(f"Request concluído, tamanho dos dados: {len(data)}.") return error, data, filetype
Returns a dataframe with recursos data from movidesk api.
def get_table_min_max_value(query_project_id: str,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
field_name: str,
kind: str,
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def get_table_min_max_value( # pylint: disable=R0913 query_project_id: str, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, field_name: str, kind: str, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ): """Query a table to get the maximum value for the chosen field. Useful to incrementally materialize tables via DBT Args: dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery field_name (str): column name to query kind (str): which value to get. Accepts min and max """ log(f"Getting {kind} value for {table_id}") query = f""" SELECT {kind}({field_name}) FROM {query_project_id}.{dataset_id}.{table_id} """ log(f"Will run query:\n{query}") result = bd.read_sql(query=query, billing_project_id=bq_project()) return result.iloc[0][0]
Query a table to get the maximum value for the chosen field. Useful to incrementally materialize tables via DBT
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
- column name to query
- which value to get. Accepts min and max
def get_upload_storage_blob(dataset_id: str, filename: str, bucket_name: str = None) ‑>
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def get_upload_storage_blob( dataset_id: str, filename: str, bucket_name: str = None, ) -> Blob: """ Get a blob from upload zone in storage Args: dataset_id (str): The dataset id on BigQuery. filename (str): The filename in GCS. bucket_name (str, Optional): The bucket name to get the data. Returns: Blob: blob object """ bucket_arguments = {"dataset_id": "", "table_id": ""} if bucket_name is not None: bucket_arguments["bucket_name"] = bucket_name bucket = bd.Storage(**bucket_arguments) log(f"Filename: {filename}, dataset_id: {dataset_id}") blob_list = list( bucket.client["storage_staging"] .bucket(bucket.bucket_name) .list_blobs(prefix=f"upload/{dataset_id}/{filename}.") ) return blob_list[0]
Get a blob from upload zone in storage
- The dataset id on BigQuery.
- The filename in GCS.
:str, Optional
- The bucket name to get the data.
- blob object
def log_critical(message: str, secret_path: str = 'critical_webhook')
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def log_critical(message: str, secret_path: str = constants.CRITICAL_SECRET_PATH.value): """Logs message to critical discord channel specified Args: message (str): Message to post on the channel secret_path (str, optional): Secret path storing the webhook to critical channel. Defaults to constants.CRITICAL_SECRETPATH.value. """ url = get_vault_secret(secret_path=secret_path)["data"]["url"] return send_discord_message(message=message, webhook_url=url)
Logs message to critical discord channel specified
- Message to post on the channel
, optional- Secret path storing the webhook to critical channel.
Defaults to constants.CRITICAL_SECRETPATH.value.
def map_dict_keys(data: dict, mapping: dict) ‑> None
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def map_dict_keys(data: dict, mapping: dict) -> None: """ Map old keys to new keys in a dict. """ for old_key, new_key in mapping.items(): data[new_key] = data.pop(old_key) return data
Map old keys to new keys in a dict.
def perform_check(desc: str, check_params: dict, request_params: dict) ‑> dict
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def perform_check(desc: str, check_params: dict, request_params: dict) -> dict: """ Perform a check on a query Args: desc (str): The check description check_params (dict): The check parameters * query (str): SQL query to be executed * order_columns (list): order columns for query log results, in case of failure (optional) request_params (dict): The request parameters Returns: dict: The check status """ try: q = check_params["query"].format(**request_params) order_columns = check_params.get("order_columns", None) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Missing key in check_params: {e}") from e log(q) df = bd.read_sql(q) check_status = df.empty check_status_dict = {"desc": desc, "status": check_status} log(f"Check status:\n{check_status_dict}") if not check_status: log(f"Data info:\n{data_info_str(df)}") log( f"Sorted data:\n{df.sort_values(by=order_columns) if order_columns else df}" ) return check_status_dict
Perform a check on a query
- The check description
- The check parameters * query (str): SQL query to be executed * order_columns (list): order columns for query log results, in case of failure (optional)
- The request parameters
- The check status
def perform_checks_for_table(table_id: str, request_params: dict, test_check_list: dict, check_params: dict) ‑> dict
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def perform_checks_for_table( table_id: str, request_params: dict, test_check_list: dict, check_params: dict ) -> dict: """ Perform checks for a table Args: table_id (str): The table id request_params (dict): The request parameters test_check_list (dict): The test check list check_params (dict): The check parameters Returns: dict: The checks """ request_params["table_id"] = table_id checks = list() for description, test_check in test_check_list.items(): request_params["expression"] = test_check.get("expression", "") checks.append( perform_check( description, check_params.get(test_check.get("test", "expression_is_true")), request_params | test_check.get("params", {}), ) ) return checks
Perform checks for a table
- The table id
- The request parameters
- The test check list
- The check parameters
- The checks
def read_raw_data(filepath: str, reader_args: dict = None) ‑> tuple[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]
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def read_raw_data(filepath: str, reader_args: dict = None) -> tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]: """ Read raw data from file Args: filepath (str): filepath to read reader_args (dict): arguments to pass to pandas.read_csv or read_json Returns: tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]: error and data """ error = None data = None if reader_args is None: reader_args = {} try: file_type = filepath.split(".")[-1] if file_type == "json": data = pd.read_json(filepath, **reader_args) # data = json.loads(data) elif file_type in ("txt", "csv"): data = pd.read_csv(filepath, **reader_args) else: error = "Unsupported raw file extension. Supported only: json, csv and txt" except Exception: error = traceback.format_exc() log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error") return error, data
Read raw data from file
- filepath to read
- arguments to pass to pandas.read_csv or read_json
tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]
- error and data
def safe_cast(val, to_type, default=None)
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def safe_cast(val, to_type, default=None): """ Safe cast value. """ try: return to_type(val) except ValueError: return default
Safe cast value.
def save_raw_local_func(data: dict | str, filepath: str, mode: str = 'raw', filetype: str = 'json') ‑> str
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def save_raw_local_func( data: Union[dict, str], filepath: str, mode: str = "raw", filetype: str = "json", ) -> str: """ Saves json response from API to .json file. Args: data (Union[dict, str]): Raw data to save filepath (str): Path which to save raw file mode (str, optional): Folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS. filetype (str, optional): The file format Returns: str: Path to the saved file """ # diferentes tipos de arquivos para salvar _filepath = filepath.format(mode=mode, filetype=filetype) Path(_filepath).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if filetype == "json": if isinstance(data, str): data = json.loads(data) with Path(_filepath).open("w", encoding="utf-8") as fi: json.dump(data, fi, default=custom_serialization) if filetype in ("txt", "csv"): if constants.CONTROLE_FINANCEIRO_DATASET_ID.value in _filepath: encoding = "Windows-1252" else: encoding = "utf-8" with open(_filepath, "w", encoding=encoding) as file: file.write(data) log(f"Raw data saved to: {_filepath}") return _filepath
Saves json response from API to .json file.
:Union[dict, str]
- Raw data to save
- Path which to save raw file
, optional- Folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS.
, optional- The file format
- Path to the saved file
def save_treated_local_func(filepath: str,
data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
error: str,
mode: str = 'staging') ‑> str-
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def save_treated_local_func( filepath: str, data: pd.DataFrame, error: str, mode: str = "staging" ) -> str: """ Save treated file to CSV. Args: filepath (str): Path to save file data (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe to save error (str): Error catched during execution mode (str, optional): Folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS. Returns: str: Path to the saved file """ _filepath = filepath.format(mode=mode, filetype="csv") Path(_filepath).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if error is None: data.to_csv( _filepath, index=False, ) log(f"Treated data saved to: {_filepath}") return _filepath
Save treated file to CSV.
- Path to save file
- Dataframe to save
- Error catched during execution
, optional- Folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS.
- Path to the saved file
def set_redis_rdo_files(redis_client, dataset_id: str, table_id: str)
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def set_redis_rdo_files(redis_client, dataset_id: str, table_id: str): """ Register downloaded files to Redis Args: redis_client (_type_): _description_ dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery Returns: bool: if the key was properly set """ try: content = redis_client.get(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}")["files"] except TypeError as e: log(f"Caught error {e}. Will set unexisting key") # set key to empty dict for filling later redis_client.set(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}", {"files": []}) content = redis_client.get(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}") # update content st_client = bd.Storage(dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id) blob_names = [ for blob in st_client.client["storage_staging"].list_blobs( st_client.bucket, prefix=f"staging/{dataset_id}/{table_id}" ) ] files = [blob_name.split("/")[-1].replace(".csv", "") for blob_name in blob_names] log(f"When setting key, found {len(files)} files. Will register on redis...") content["files"] = files # set key return redis_client.set(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}", content)
Register downloaded files to Redis
- description
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
- if the key was properly set
def upload_run_logs_to_bq(dataset_id: str,
parent_table_id: str,
timestamp: str,
error: str = None,
previous_error: str = None,
recapture: bool = False,
mode: str = 'raw',
bucket_name: str = None)-
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def upload_run_logs_to_bq( # pylint: disable=R0913 dataset_id: str, parent_table_id: str, timestamp: str, error: str = None, previous_error: str = None, recapture: bool = False, mode: str = "raw", bucket_name: str = None, ): """ Upload execution status table to BigQuery. Table is uploaded to the same dataset, named {parent_table_id}_logs. If passing status_dict, should not pass timestamp and error. Args: dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery parent_table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery timestamp (str): timestamp to get datetime range error (str): error catched during execution previous_error (str): previous error catched during execution recapture (bool): if the execution was a recapture mode (str): folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS bucket_name (str, Optional): The bucket name to save the data. Returns: None """ table_id = parent_table_id + "_logs" # Create partition directory filename = f"{table_id}_{timestamp.isoformat()}" partition = f"data={}" filepath = Path( f"""data/{mode}/{dataset_id}/{table_id}/{partition}/{filename}.csv""" ) filepath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Create dataframe to be uploaded if not error and recapture is True: # if the recapture is succeeded, update the column erro dataframe = pd.DataFrame( { "timestamp_captura": [timestamp], "sucesso": [True], "erro": [f"[recapturado]{previous_error}"], } ) log(f"Recapturing {timestamp} with previous error:\n{previous_error}") else: # not recapturing or error during flow execution dataframe = pd.DataFrame( { "timestamp_captura": [timestamp], "sucesso": [error is None], "erro": [error], } ) # Save data local dataframe.to_csv(filepath, index=False) # Upload to Storage create_or_append_table( dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, path=filepath.as_posix(), partitions=partition, bucket_name=bucket_name, ) if error is not None: raise Exception(f"Pipeline failed with error: {error}")
Upload execution status table to BigQuery. Table is uploaded to the same dataset, named {parent_table_id}_logs. If passing status_dict, should not pass timestamp and error.
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
- timestamp to get datetime range
- error catched during execution
- previous error catched during execution
- if the execution was a recapture
- folder to save locally, later folder which to upload to GCS
:str, Optional
- The bucket name to save the data.