Module pipelines.rj_smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_stpl_gps.tasks

Tasks for br_rj_riodejaneiro_stpl_gps


def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_stpl_gps(status_dict, timestamp)
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def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_stpl_gps(status_dict, timestamp):
    """Parse data from status_dict['data'] to DataFrame as partially nested table.

        status_dict (dict): Contains data, run time timestamp and any previous error
        key_column (str): Unique key field from each dict within data

        dict: "df" contains the transformed DataFrame from data, "error" contains any caught error
        during execution.
    key_column = "codigo"
    columns = [key_column, "dataHora", "timestamp_captura", "content"]
    data = status_dict["data"]["veiculos"]

    if status_dict["error"] is not None:
        return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status_dict["error"]}

    error = None
    # get tz info from constants
    timezone = constants.TIMEZONE.value

    # initialize df for nested columns
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
    timestamp_captura = pd.to_datetime(timestamp)
    # separate each nested piece in data into a row
    df["content"] = list(data)
    # retrive key field from each nested piece in data
    df[key_column] = [piece[key_column] for piece in data]
    df["dataHora"] = [piece["dataHora"] for piece in data]
    df["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp_captura
    df["dataHora"] = df["dataHora"].apply(
        lambda ms: pd.to_datetime(
            pendulum.from_timestamp(ms / 1000.0, timezone).isoformat()

    # Filter data for 0 <= time diff <= 1min
        datahora_col = "dataHora"
        df_treated = df
            df_treated[datahora_col] = df_treated[datahora_col].apply(
                lambda x: x.tz_convert(timezone)
        except TypeError:
            df_treated[datahora_col] = df_treated[datahora_col].apply(
                lambda x: x.tz_localize(timezone)
            df_treated["timestamp_captura"] = df_treated["timestamp_captura"].apply(
                lambda x: x.tz_convert(timezone)
        except TypeError:
            df_treated["timestamp_captura"] = df_treated["timestamp_captura"].apply(
                lambda x: x.tz_localize(timezone)
        mask = (df_treated["timestamp_captura"] - df_treated[datahora_col]).apply(
            lambda x: timedelta(seconds=0) <= x <= timedelta(minutes=1)
        df_treated = df_treated[mask]
        log(f"Shape antes da filtragem: {df.shape}")
        log(f"Shape após a filtragem: {df_treated.shape}")
        if df_treated.shape[0] == 0:
            error = ValueError("After filtering, the dataframe is empty!")
        df = df_treated
    except Exception:
        error = traceback.format_exc()
        log_critical(f"Failed to filter STPL data: \n{error}")
    return {"data": df, "error": error}

Parse data from status_dict['data'] to DataFrame as partially nested table.


status_dict : dict
Contains data, run time timestamp and any previous error
key_column : str
Unique key field from each dict within data


"df" contains the transformed DataFrame from data, "error" contains any caught error

during execution.