Module pipelines.rj_smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_rdo.tasks
Tasks for br_rj_riodejaneiro_rdo
def check_files_for_download(files: list, dataset_id: str, table_id: str)
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@task def check_files_for_download(files: list, dataset_id: str, table_id: str): """Check redis for files already downloaded from the FTP Args: files (list): file informations gathered from FTP dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery Returns: list: Containing the info on the files to download """ redis_client = get_redis_client() try: exclude_files = redis_client.get(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}")["files"] except (TypeError, KeyError): set_redis_rdo_files(redis_client, dataset_id, table_id) exclude_files = redis_client.get(f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}")["files"] log(f"There are {len(exclude_files)} already downloaded") download_files = [ file_info for file_info in files if file_info["filename"] not in exclude_files ] log(f"Will download the remaining {len(download_files)} files:{download_files}") return download_files
Check redis for files already downloaded from the FTP
- file informations gathered from FTP
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
- Containing the info on the files to download
def download_and_save_local_from_ftp(file_info: dict)
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@task def download_and_save_local_from_ftp(file_info: dict): """ Downloads file from FTP and saves to data/raw/<dataset_id>/<table_id>. """ # table_id: str, kind: str, rho: bool = False, rdo: bool = True if file_info["error"] is not None: return file_info dataset_id = constants.RDO_DATASET_ID.value base_path = ( f'{os.getcwd()}/{os.getenv("DATA_FOLDER", "data")}/{{bucket_mode}}/{dataset_id}' ) table_id = build_table_id( # mudar pra task mode=file_info["transport_mode"], report_type=file_info["report_type"] ) # Set general local path to save file (bucket_modes: raw or staging) file_info[ "local_path" ] = f"""{base_path}/{table_id}/{file_info["partitions"]}/{file_info['filename']}.{{file_ext}}""" # Get raw data file_info["raw_path"] = file_info["local_path"].format( bucket_mode="raw", file_ext="txt" ) Path(file_info["raw_path"]).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) try: # Get data from FTP - TODO: create get_raw() error alike ftp_client = connect_ftp(constants.RDO_FTPS_SECRET_PATH.value) if not Path(file_info["raw_path"]).is_file(): with open(file_info["raw_path"], "wb") as raw_file: ftp_client.retrbinary( "RETR " + file_info["ftp_path"], raw_file.write, ) ftp_client.quit() # Get timestamp of download time file_info["timestamp_captura"] = constants.TIMEZONE.value ).isoformat() log(f"Timestamp captura is {file_info['timestamp_captura']}") log(f"Update file info: {file_info}") except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=W0703 file_info["error"] = error return file_info
Downloads file from FTP and saves to data/raw/
/ . def get_file_paths_from_ftp(transport_mode: str, report_type: str, wait=None, dump=False)
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@task def get_file_paths_from_ftp( transport_mode: str, report_type: str, wait=None, dump=False ): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ Search for files inside previous interval (days) from current date, get filename and partitions (from filename) on FTP client. """ min_timestamp = datetime(2022, 1, 1).timestamp() # set min timestamp for search # Connect to FTP & search files # try: ftp_client = connect_ftp(constants.RDO_FTPS_SECRET_PATH.value) files_updated_times = { file: datetime.timestamp(parser.parse(info["modify"])) for file, info in ftp_client.mlsd(transport_mode) } # Get files modified inside interval files = [] for filename, file_mtime in files_updated_times.items(): if file_mtime >= min_timestamp: if filename[:3] == report_type and "HISTORICO" not in filename: # Get date from file date = re.findall("2\\d{3}\\d{2}\\d{2}", filename)[-1] file_info = { "transport_mode": transport_mode, "report_type": report_type, "filename": filename.split(".")[0], "ftp_path": transport_mode + "/" + filename, "partitions": f"ano={date[:4]}/mes={date[4:6]}/dia={date[6:]}", "error": None, } # log(f"Create file info: {file_info}") files.append(file_info) # except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 # return [{"error": e}] log(f"There are {len(files)} files at the FTP") return files
Search for files inside previous interval (days) from current date, get filename and partitions (from filename) on FTP client.
def get_rdo_date_range(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = 'prod')
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@task def get_rdo_date_range(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = "prod"): """Get date range for RDO/RHO materialization Args: dataset_id (str): dataset_id on BigQuery table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery mode (str, optional): mode to materialize to. Accepted options are 'dev' and 'prod'. Defaults to "prod". Returns: dict: containing 'date_range_start' and 'date_range_end' keys """ last_run_date = get_last_run_timestamp( dataset_id=dataset_id, table_id=table_id, mode=mode ) if not last_run_date: last_run_date = constants.RDO_MATERIALIZE_START_DATE.value return { "date_range_start": last_run_date, "date_range_end":, }
Get date range for RDO/RHO materialization
- dataset_id on BigQuery
- table_id on BigQuery
, optional- mode to materialize to.
Accepted options are 'dev' and 'prod'. Defaults to "prod".
- containing 'date_range_start' and 'date_range_end' keys
def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_rdo(files: list, divide_columns_by: int = 100) ‑> tuple
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@task(nout=4) def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_rdo( files: list, divide_columns_by: int = 100, ) -> tuple: """Adds header, capture_time and standardize columns Args: file_info (dict): information for the files found in the current run divide_columns_by (int, optional): value which to divide numeric columns. Defaults to 100. Returns: dict: updated file_info with treated filepath """ treated_paths, raw_paths, partitions, status = [], [], [], [] log(f"Received {len(files)} to treat") for file_info in files: log(f"Processing file {files.index(file_info)}") try: config = rdo_constants.RDO_PRE_TREATMENT_CONFIG.value[ file_info["transport_mode"] ][file_info["report_type"]] #"Config for ETL: {config}") # Load data df = pd.read_csv( # pylint: disable=C0103 file_info["raw_path"], header=None, delimiter=";", index_col=False ) # pylint: disable=C0103 if len(df) == 0: log("Dataframe is empty") status.append({"error": "ValueError: file is empty"}) continue # If file is empty, skip current iteration. log(f"Load csv from raw file:\n{df.head(5)}") # Set column names for those already in the file df.columns = config["reindex_columns"][: len(df.columns)] log(f"Found reindex columns at config:\n{df.head(5)}") # Treat column "codigo", add empty column if doesn't exist if ("codigo" in df.columns) and (file_info["transport_mode"] == "STPL"): df["codigo"] = df["codigo"].str.extract("(?:VAN)(\\d+)").astype(str) else: df["codigo"] = "" # Order columns # if config["reorder_columns"]: # ordered = [ # config["reorder_columns"][col] # if col in config["reorder_columns"].keys() # else i # for i, col in enumerate(config["reindex_columns"]) # ] # df = df[list(config["reindex_columns"][col] for col in ordered)] # # pylint: disable=C0103 # else: df = df[config["reindex_columns"]] # Add timestamp column df["timestamp_captura"] = file_info["timestamp_captura"] log(f"Added timestamp_captura: {file_info['timestamp_captura']}") log(f"Before dividing df is\n{df.head(5)}") # Divide columns by value if config["divide_columns"]: df[config["divide_columns"]] = df[config["divide_columns"]].apply( lambda x: x / divide_columns_by, axis=1 ) # Save treated data file_info["treated_path"] = file_info["local_path"].format( bucket_mode="staging", file_ext="csv" ) Path(file_info["treated_path"]).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) df.to_csv(file_info["treated_path"], index=False) log(f'Saved treated data to: {file_info["treated_path"]}') log(f"Updated file info is:\n{file_info}") # Build returns treated_paths.append(file_info["treated_path"]) raw_paths.append(file_info["raw_path"]) partitions.append(file_info["partitions"]) status.append({"error": None}) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703 log(f"Pre Treatment failed with error: {e}") treated_paths.append(None) raw_paths.append(None) partitions.append(None) status.append({"error": e}) return treated_paths, raw_paths, partitions, status
Adds header, capture_time and standardize columns
- information for the files found in the current run
, optional- value which to divide numeric columns.
Defaults to 100.
- updated file_info with treated filepath
def update_rdo_redis(download_files: list,
table_id: str,
dataset_id: str = 'br_rj_riodejaneiro_rdo',
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@task def update_rdo_redis( download_files: list, table_id: str, dataset_id: str = constants.RDO_DATASET_ID.value, errors=None, wait=None, # pylint: disable=W0613 ): """ Update files downloaded to redis, if uploaded correctly. Args: download_files (list): information on the downloaded files table_id (str): table_id on BigQuery dataset_id (str, optional): dataset_id on BigQuery. Defaults to constants.RDO_DATASET_ID.value. errors (list, optional): list of errors. Defaults to None. wait (Any, optional): wait for task before run. Defaults to None. Returns: bool: if redis key was set """ key = f"{dataset_id}.{table_id}" redis_client = get_redis_client() content = redis_client.get(key) # get current redis state if errors: log(f"Received errors:\n {errors}") merge_file_info_and_errors(download_files, errors) log(f"content is:\n{content['files'][:5]}") insert_content = [ file_info["filename"] for file_info in download_files if not file_info["error"] ] # parse filenames to append log( f""" Will register {len(insert_content)} files: {insert_content} """ ) content["files"].extend(insert_content) # generate updated dict to set log(f"After appending, content has {len(content['files'])} files registered") return redis_client.set(key, content)
Update files downloaded to redis, if uploaded correctly.
- information on the downloaded files
- table_id on BigQuery
, optional- dataset_id on BigQuery.
- Defaults to constants.RDO_DATASET_ID.value.
, optional- list of errors. Defaults to None.
, optional- wait for task before run. Defaults to None.
- if redis key was set