Module pipelines.rj_smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps.tasks

Tasks for br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps


def clean_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps(date_range: dict) ‑> str | None
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def clean_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps(date_range: dict) -> Union[str, None]:
    Clean GPS data for a given date range.

    This function deletes records from three different tables in the database:
    - `rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps.sppo_aux_registros_filtrada`
    - `rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps.sppo_aux_registros_realocacao`
    - `rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_veiculos.gps_sppo`

    The records to be deleted are determined by the provided
    date range and the timestamp_gps column.

        - date_range (dict): A dictionary containing the start
        and end dates for the data to be cleaned.

        - str or None: If an error occurs during the cleaning process,
            the error message is returned. Otherwise, None is returned.

    error = None

        q = f"""
                (data BETWEEN DATE("{date_range['date_range_start']}")
                    AND DATE("{date_range['date_range_end']}"))
                AND (timestamp_gps > "{date_range['date_range_start']}"
                    AND timestamp_gps <= "{date_range['date_range_end']}");
                (data BETWEEN DATE("{date_range['date_range_start']}")
                    AND DATE("{date_range['date_range_end']}"))
                AND (timestamp_gps > "{date_range['date_range_start']}"
                    AND timestamp_gps <= "{date_range['date_range_end']}");
                (data BETWEEN DATE("{date_range['date_range_start']}")
                    AND DATE("{date_range['date_range_end']}"))
                AND (timestamp_gps > "{date_range['date_range_start']}"
                    AND timestamp_gps <= "{date_range['date_range_end']}");

        results = bd.read_sql(q)

            f"""Cleaned GPS data for
                {date_range['date_range_start']} to {date_range['date_range_end']}\n
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable = W0703
        error = traceback.format_exc()
        log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error")

    return error

Clean GPS data for a given date range.

This function deletes records from three different tables in the database: - rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps.sppo_aux_registros_filtrada - rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps.sppo_aux_registros_realocacao - rj-smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_veiculos.gps_sppo

The records to be deleted are determined by the provided date range and the timestamp_gps column.


  • date_range (dict): A dictionary containing the start and end dates for the data to be cleaned.


  • str or None: If an error occurs during the cleaning process, the error message is returned. Otherwise, None is returned.
def create_api_url_onibus_gps(version: str, timestamp: datetime.datetime = None) ‑> str
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def create_api_url_onibus_gps(version: str, timestamp: datetime = None) -> str:
    Generates the complete URL to get data from API.

    if version == 2:
        url = constants.GPS_SPPO_API_BASE_URL_V2.value
        source = constants.GPS_SPPO_API_SECRET_PATH_V2.value
    if version == 1:
        url = constants.GPS_SPPO_API_BASE_URL.value
        source = constants.GPS_SPPO_API_SECRET_PATH.value

    if not timestamp:
        timestamp =
            second=0, microsecond=0

    headers = get_vault_secret(source)["data"]
    key = list(headers)[0]
    url = f"{url}{key}={{secret}}"

    if source == "sppo_api_v2":
        date_range = {
            "start": (timestamp - timedelta(minutes=6)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M:%S"),
            "end": (timestamp - timedelta(minutes=5)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d+%H:%M:%S"),
        url += f"&dataInicial={date_range['start']}&dataFinal={date_range['end']}"

    log(f"Request data from URL: {url}")
    return url.format(secret=headers[key])

Generates the complete URL to get data from API.

def create_api_url_onibus_realocacao(interval_minutes: int = 10,
timestamp: datetime.datetime = None,
secret_path: str = 'realocacao_api') ‑> str
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def create_api_url_onibus_realocacao(
    interval_minutes: int = 10,
    timestamp: datetime = None,
    secret_path: str = constants.GPS_SPPO_REALOCACAO_SECRET_PATH.value,
) -> str:
    start_date: datahora mínima do sinal de GPS avaliado
    end_date: datahora máxima do sinal de GPS avaliado

    # Configura parametros da URL
    date_range = {
        "date_range_start": (timestamp - timedelta(minutes=interval_minutes)).strftime(
        "date_range_end": timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
    url = ""

    headers = get_vault_secret(secret_path)["data"]
    key = list(headers)[0]
    url = f"{url}{key}={{secret}}"

    url += f"&dataInicial={date_range['date_range_start']}&dataFinal={date_range['date_range_end']}"

    log(f"Request data from URL:\n{url}")
    return url.format(secret=headers[key])

start_date: datahora mínima do sinal de GPS avaliado end_date: datahora máxima do sinal de GPS avaliado

def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps(status: dict,
timestamp: datetime.datetime,
version: int = 1,
recapture: bool = False) ‑> Dict
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# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_gps(
    status: dict, timestamp: datetime, version: int = 1, recapture: bool = False
) -> Dict:
    """Basic data treatment for bus gps data. Converts unix time to datetime,
    and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response.

        status_dict (dict): dict containing the status of the request made to the
        API. Must contain keys: data and error
        version (int, optional): Source API version. Temporary argument
        for testing
        timestamp (str): Capture data timestamp.

        df_gps: pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data.
    if status["error"] is not None:
        return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]}

    if status["data"] == []:
        log("Data is empty, skipping treatment...")
        return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]}

    error = None
    timezone = constants.TIMEZONE.value

    log(f"Data received to treat: \n{status['data'][:5]}")
    df_gps = pd.DataFrame(status["data"])  # pylint: disable=c0103
    df_gps["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp
    log(f"Before converting, datahora is: \n{df_gps['datahora']}")

    # Remove timezone and force it to be config timezone
    if version == 1:
        timestamp_cols = ["datahora"]
    elif version == 2:
        timestamp_cols = ["datahora", "datahoraenvio"]
    if recapture:
    for col in timestamp_cols:
        print(f"Before converting, {col} is: \n{df_gps[col].head()}")  # log
        df_gps[col] = (
            pd.to_datetime(df_gps[col].astype(float), unit="ms")
        log(f"After converting the timezone, {col} is: \n{df_gps[col].head()}")

    # Filter data
        log(f"Shape before filtering: {df_gps.shape}")
        if version == 1:
            filter_col = "timestamp_captura"
            time_delay = constants.GPS_SPPO_CAPTURE_DELAY_V1.value
        elif version == 2:
            filter_col = "datahoraenvio"
            time_delay = constants.GPS_SPPO_CAPTURE_DELAY_V2.value
        if recapture:
            server_mask = (
                df_gps["datahoraenvio"] - df_gps["datahoraservidor"]
            ) <= timedelta(minutes=constants.GPS_SPPO_RECAPTURE_DELAY_V2.value)
            df_gps = df_gps[server_mask]  # pylint: disable=c0103

        mask = (df_gps[filter_col] - df_gps["datahora"]).apply(
            lambda x: timedelta(seconds=-20) <= x <= timedelta(minutes=time_delay)

        # Select and drop duplicated data
        cols = [
        df_gps = df_gps[mask][cols]  # pylint: disable=c0103
        df_gps = df_gps.drop_duplicates(  # pylint: disable=c0103
            ["ordem", "latitude", "longitude", "datahora", "timestamp_captura"]

        log(f"Shape after filtering: {df_gps.shape}")
        if df_gps.shape[0] == 0:
            error = ValueError("After filtering, the dataframe is empty!")
            log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error")
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable = W0703
        error = traceback.format_exc()
        log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error")

    return {"data": df_gps, "error": error}

Basic data treatment for bus gps data. Converts unix time to datetime, and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response.


status_dict : dict
dict containing the status of the request made to the
API. Must contain keys: data and error
version : int, optional
Source API version. Temporary argument
for testing
timestamp : str
Capture data timestamp.


pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data.
def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_realocacao(status: dict, timestamp: datetime.datetime) ‑> Dict
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def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_onibus_realocacao(
    status: dict, timestamp: datetime
) -> Dict:
    """Basic data treatment for bus gps relocation data. Converts unix time to datetime,
    and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response.

        status (dict): dict containing the status of the request made to the
        API. Must contain keys: data and error

        df_realocacao: pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data.

    if status["error"] is not None:
        return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]}

    if status["data"] == []:
        log("Data is empty, skipping treatment...")
        return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]}

    error = None

    log(f"Data received to treat: \n{status['data'][:5]}")
    df_realocacao = pd.DataFrame(status["data"])  # pylint: disable=c0103
    # df_realocacao["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp
    df_realocacao["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp.isoformat()
    # log(f"Before converting, datahora is: \n{df_realocacao['datahora']}")

    # Ajusta tipos de data
    dt_cols = [

    for col in dt_cols:
        log(f"Converting column {col}")
        log(f"Data received to treat: \n{df_realocacao[col]}")
        temp_time_col_sec = pd.to_datetime(
            df_realocacao[col], format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", errors="coerce"
        temp_time_col_msec = pd.to_datetime(
            df_realocacao[col], format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f", errors="coerce"

        df_realocacao[col] = temp_time_col_sec.fillna(temp_time_col_msec).dt.strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z"

        if df_realocacao[col].isna().sum() > 0:
            error = ValueError("After treating, there is null values!")
            log(f"[CATCHED] Task failed with error: \n{error}", level="error")

        log(f"Treated data: \n{df_realocacao[col]}")

    # Ajusta tempo máximo da realocação
        df_realocacao.dataSaida == "1971-01-01 00:00:00-0300", "dataSaida"
    ] = ""

    # Renomeia colunas
    cols = {
        "veiculo": "id_veiculo",
        "dataOperacao": "datetime_operacao",
        "linha": "servico",
        "dataEntrada": "datetime_entrada",
        "dataSaida": "datetime_saida",
        "dataProcessado": "timestamp_processamento",

    df_realocacao = df_realocacao.rename(columns=cols)

    return {"data": df_realocacao.drop_duplicates(), "error": error}

Basic data treatment for bus gps relocation data. Converts unix time to datetime, and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response.


status : dict
dict containing the status of the request made to the

API. Must contain keys: data and error


pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data.