Module pipelines.rj_smtr.br_rj_riodejaneiro_brt_gps.tasks
Tasks for br_rj_riodejaneiro_brt_gps
def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_brt_gps(status: dict, timestamp)
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@task def pre_treatment_br_rj_riodejaneiro_brt_gps(status: dict, timestamp): """Basic data treatment for brt gps data. Converts unix time to datetime, and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response. Args: status_dict (dict): dict containing the status of the request made to the API. Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error Returns: df: pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data. """ # Check previous error if status["error"] is not None: log("Skipped due to previous error.") return {"data": pd.DataFrame(), "error": status["error"]} error = None data = status["data"]["veiculos"] timezone = constants.TIMEZONE.value log( f""" Received inputs: - timestamp:\n{timestamp} - data:\n{data[:10]}""" ) # Create dataframe sctructure key_column = "id_veiculo" columns = [key_column, "timestamp_gps", "timestamp_captura", "content"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) # pylint: disable=c0103 # map_dict_keys change data keys to match project data structure df["content"] = [ map_dict_keys(piece, constants.GPS_BRT_MAPPING_KEYS.value) for piece in data ] df[key_column] = [piece[key_column] for piece in data] df["timestamp_gps"] = [piece["timestamp_gps"] for piece in data] df["timestamp_captura"] = timestamp log(f"timestamp captura is:\n{df['timestamp_captura']}") # Remove timezone and force it to be config timezone log(f"Before converting, timestamp_gps was: \n{df['timestamp_gps']}") df["timestamp_gps"] = ( pd.to_datetime(df["timestamp_gps"], unit="ms") .dt.tz_localize("UTC") .dt.tz_convert(timezone) ) log(f"After converting the timezone, timestamp_gps is: \n{df['timestamp_gps']}") # Filter data for 0 <= time diff <= 1min try: log(f"Shape antes da filtragem: {df.shape}") mask = (df["timestamp_captura"] - df["timestamp_gps"]) <= timedelta(minutes=1) df = df[mask] # pylint: disable=C0103 log(f"Shape após a filtragem: {df.shape}") if df.shape[0] == 0: error = ValueError("After filtering, the dataframe is empty!") log_critical(f"@here\nFailed to filter BRT data: \n{error}") except Exception: # pylint: disable = W0703 err = traceback.format_exc() log_critical(f"@here\nFailed to filter BRT data: \n{err}") return {"data": df, "error": error}
Basic data treatment for brt gps data. Converts unix time to datetime, and apply filtering to stale data that may populate the API response.
- dict containing the status of the request made to the
API. Must contain keys: data, timestamp and error
- pandas.core.DataFrame containing the treated data.