Module pipelines.rj_cor.utils
Utils for rj-cor
def build_redis_key(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str, mode: str = 'prod')
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def build_redis_key(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str, mode: str = "prod"): """ Helper function for building a key where to store the last updated time """ key = mode + "." + dataset_id + "." + table_id + "." + name return key
Helper function for building a key where to store the last updated time
def compare_actual_df_with_redis_df(dfr: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dfr_redis: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
columns: list) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame-
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def compare_actual_df_with_redis_df( dfr: pd.DataFrame, dfr_redis: pd.DataFrame, columns: list, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compare df from redis to actual df and return only the rows from actual df that are not already saved on redis. """ for col in columns: if col not in dfr_redis.columns: dfr_redis[col] = None dfr_redis[col] = dfr_redis[col].astype(dfr[col].dtypes) log(f"\nEnded conversion types from dfr to dfr_redis: \n{dfr_redis.dtypes}") dfr_diff = ( pd.merge(dfr, dfr_redis, how="left", on=columns, indicator=True) .query('_merge == "left_only"') .drop("_merge", axis=1) ) log( f"\nDf resulted from the difference between dft_redis and dfr: \n{dfr_diff.head()}" ) updated_dfr_redis = pd.concat([dfr_redis, dfr_diff[columns]]) return dfr_diff, updated_dfr_redis
Compare df from redis to actual df and return only the rows from actual df that are not already saved on redis.
def get_redis_output(redis_key, is_df: bool = False)
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def get_redis_output(redis_key, is_df: bool = False): """ Get Redis output. Use get to obtain a df from redis or hgetall if is a key value pair. """ redis_client = get_redis_client() # (host="") if is_df: json_data = redis_client.get(redis_key) log(f"[DEGUB] json_data {json_data}") if json_data: # If data is found, parse the JSON string back to a Python object (dictionary) data_dict = json.loads(json_data) # Convert the dictionary back to a DataFrame return pd.DataFrame(data_dict) return pd.DataFrame() output = redis_client.hgetall(redis_key) if len(output) > 0: output = treat_redis_output(output) return output
Get Redis output. Use get to obtain a df from redis or hgetall if is a key value pair.