Module pipelines.rj_cor.meteorologia.utils
General utilities for meteorologia.
def save_updated_rows_on_redis(dfr: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
unique_id: str = 'id_estacao',
date_column: str = 'data_medicao',
date_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
mode: str = 'prod') ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame-
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def save_updated_rows_on_redis( dfr: pd.DataFrame, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, unique_id: str = "id_estacao", date_column: str = "data_medicao", date_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mode: str = "prod", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Acess redis to get the last time each unique_id was updated, return updated unique_id as a DataFrame and save new dates on redis """ redis_client = get_redis_client() key = mode + "." + dataset_id + "." + table_id # Access all data saved on redis with this key updates = redis_client.hgetall(key) # Convert data in dictionary in format with unique_id in key and last updated time as value # Example > {"12": "2022-06-06 14:45:00"} updates = {k.decode("utf-8"): v.decode("utf-8") for k, v in updates.items()} # Convert dictionary to dfr updates = pd.DataFrame(updates.items(), columns=[unique_id, "last_update"]) log(f">>> data saved in redis: {updates}") # dfr and updates need to have the same index, in our case unique_id missing_in_dfr = [ i for i in updates[unique_id].unique() if i not in dfr[unique_id].unique() ] missing_in_updates = [ i for i in dfr[unique_id].unique() if i not in updates[unique_id].unique() ] # If unique_id doesn't exists on updates we create a fake date for this station on updates if len(missing_in_updates) > 0: for i in missing_in_updates: updates = updates.append( {unique_id: i, "last_update": "1900-01-01 00:00:00"}, ignore_index=True, ) # If unique_id doesn't exists on dfr we remove this stations from updates if len(missing_in_dfr) > 0: updates = updates[~updates[unique_id].isin(missing_in_dfr)] # Merge dfs using unique_id dfr = dfr.merge(updates, how="left", on=unique_id) # Keep on dfr only the stations that has a time after the one that is saved on redis dfr[date_column] = dfr[date_column].apply(pd.to_datetime, format=date_format) dfr["last_update"] = dfr["last_update"].apply( pd.to_datetime, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) dfr = dfr[dfr[date_column] > dfr["last_update"]].dropna(subset=[unique_id]) # Keep only the last date for each unique_id keep_cols = [unique_id, date_column] new_updates = dfr[keep_cols].sort_values(keep_cols) new_updates = new_updates.groupby(unique_id, as_index=False).tail(1) new_updates[date_column] = new_updates[date_column].astype(str) # Convert stations with the new updates dates in a dictionary new_updates = dict(zip(new_updates[unique_id], new_updates[date_column])) log(f">>> data to save in redis as a dict: {new_updates}") # Save this new information on redis [redis_client.hset(key, k, v) for k, v in new_updates.items()] return dfr.reset_index()
Acess redis to get the last time each unique_id was updated, return updated unique_id as a DataFrame and save new dates on redis