Module pipelines.rj_cor.meteorologia.satelite.tasks
Tasks for emd
def create_image_and_upload_to_api(info: dict, output_filepath: pathlib.Path)
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@task def create_image_and_upload_to_api(info: dict, output_filepath: Path): """ Create image from dataframe and send it to API """ dfr = pd.read_csv(output_filepath) dfr = dfr.sort_values(by=["latitude", "longitude"], ascending=[False, True]) for var in info["variable"]: log(f"\nStart creating image for variable {var}\n") var = var.lower() data_array = get_variable_values(dfr, var) # Get the pixel values data =[:] log(f"\n[DEBUG] data {data}") save_image_path = create_and_save_image(data, info, var) log(f"\nStart uploading image for variable {var} on API\n") # upload_image_to_api(info, save_image_path) log(save_image_path) log(f"\nEnd uploading image for variable {var} on API\n")
Create image from dataframe and send it to API
def download(product: str,
date_hour_info: dict,
band: str = None,
ref_filename: str = None,
redis_files: list = [],
mode_redis: str = 'prod') ‑> str | pathlib.Path-
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@task(nout=2, max_retries=10, retry_delay=dt.timedelta(seconds=60)) def download( product: str, date_hour_info: dict, band: str = None, ref_filename: str = None, redis_files: list = [], wait=None, mode_redis: str = "prod", ) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Access S3 or GCP and download the first file on this specified date hour that is not already saved on redis """ year = date_hour_info["year"] julian_day = date_hour_info["julian_day"] hour_utc = date_hour_info["hour_utc"][:2] partition_path = f"ABI-L2-{product}/{year}/{julian_day}/{hour_utc}/" log(f"Getting files from {partition_path}") storage_files_path, storage_origin, storage_conection = get_files_from_aws( partition_path ) log(storage_files_path) if len(storage_files_path) == 0: storage_files_path, storage_origin, storage_conection = get_files_from_gcp( partition_path ) # Keep only files from specified band if product == "CMIPF": # para capturar banda 13 storage_files_path = [ f for f in storage_files_path if bool("C" + band, f)) ] # Skip task if there is no file on API if len(storage_files_path) == 0: log("No available files on API") skip = Skipped("No available files on API") raise ENDRUN(state=skip) base_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "temp", "input", mode_redis, product[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(base_path): os.makedirs(base_path) # Seleciona primeiro arquivo que não tem o nome salvo no redis log(f"\n\n[DEBUG]: available files on API: {storage_files_path}") log(f"\n\n[DEBUG]: filenames that are already saved on redis_files: {redis_files}") redis_files, destination_file_path, download_file = choose_file_to_download( storage_files_path, base_path, redis_files, ref_filename ) # Skip task if there is no new file if download_file is None: log("No new available files") skip = Skipped("No new available files") raise ENDRUN(state=skip) # Download file from aws or gcp if storage_origin == "aws": storage_conection.get(download_file, destination_file_path) else: download_blob( bucket_name=storage_conection, source_blob_name=download_file, destination_file_name=destination_file_path, mode="prod", ) return destination_file_path, redis_files
Access S3 or GCP and download the first file on this specified date hour that is not already saved on redis
def get_dates(current_time, product) ‑> str
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@task() def get_dates(current_time, product) -> str: """ Task para obter o dia atual caso nenhuma data tenha sido passada Subtraimos 5 minutos da hora atual pois o último arquivo que sobre na aws sempre cai na hora seguinte (Exemplo: o arquivo cujo início da medição foi às 08:50 foi salvo na AWS às 09:00:33). """ if current_time is None: current_time ="UTC").subtract(minutes=5).to_datetime_string() # Product sst is updating one hour later if product == "SSTF": current_time ="UTC").subtract(minutes=55).to_datetime_string() return current_time
Task para obter o dia atual caso nenhuma data tenha sido passada Subtraimos 5 minutos da hora atual pois o último arquivo que sobre na aws sempre cai na hora seguinte (Exemplo: o arquivo cujo início da medição foi às 08:50 foi salvo na AWS às 09:00:33).
def save_data(info: dict, mode_redis: str = 'prod') ‑> str | pathlib.Path
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@task(nout=2) def save_data(info: dict, mode_redis: str = "prod") -> Union[str, Path]: """ Concat all netcdf data and save partitioned by date on a csv """ log("Start saving product on a csv") output_path, output_filepath = save_data_in_file( product=info["product"], variable=info["variable"], datetime_save=info["datetime_save"], mode_redis=mode_redis, ) return output_path, output_filepath
Concat all netcdf data and save partitioned by date on a csv
def slice_data(current_time: str, ref_filename: str = None) ‑> dict
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@task(nout=1) def slice_data(current_time: str, ref_filename: str = None) -> dict: """ slice data to separate in year, julian_day, month, day and hour in UTC """ if ref_filename is not None: year, julian_day, hour_utc = extract_julian_day_and_hour_from_filename( ref_filename ) month = None day = None else: year = current_time[:4] month = current_time[5:7] day = current_time[8:10] hour_utc = current_time[11:13] julian_day = dt.datetime.strptime(current_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime( "%j" ) date_hour_info = { "year": str(year), "julian_day": str(julian_day), "month": str(month), "day": str(day), "hour_utc": str(hour_utc), } return date_hour_info
slice data to separate in year, julian_day, month, day and hour in UTC
def tratar_dados(filename: str) ‑> dict
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@task def tratar_dados(filename: str) -> dict: """ Convert X, Y coordinates from netcdf file to a latlon coordinates and select only the specified region on extent variable. """ log(f"\n Started treating file: {filename}") # Create the basemap reference for the Rectangular Projection. # You may choose the region you want. # Full Disk Extent # extent = [-156.00, -81.30, 6.30, 81.30] # Brazil region # extent = [-90.0, -40.0, -20.0, 10.0] # Estado do RJ # lat_max, lon_max = (-20.69080839963545, -40.28483671464648) # lat_min, lon_min = (-23.801876626302175, -45.05290312102409) # Região da cidade do Rio de Janeiro # lat_max, lon_min = (-22.802842397418548, -43.81200531887697) # lat_min, lon_max = (-23.073487725280266, -43.11300020870994) # Recorte da região da cidade do Rio de Janeiro segundo meteorologista lat_max, lon_max = ( -21.699774257353113, -42.35676996062447, ) # canto superior direito lat_min, lon_min = ( -23.801876626302175, -45.05290312102409, ) # canto inferior esquerdo extent = [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max] # Get informations from the nc file product_caracteristics = get_info(filename) product_caracteristics["extent"] = extent # Call the remap function to convert x, y to lon, lat and save converted file remap_g16( filename, extent, product=product_caracteristics["product"], variable=product_caracteristics["variable"], ) return product_caracteristics
Convert X, Y coordinates from netcdf file to a latlon coordinates and select only the specified region on extent variable.