Module pipelines.rj_cor.meteorologia.precipitacao_inea.tasks
Tasks for precipitacao_inea
def check_for_new_stations(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, wait=None) ‑> None
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@task def check_for_new_stations( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Check if the updated stations are the same as before. If not, consider flow as failed and call attention to add this new station on estacoes_cemaden. I can't automatically update this new station, because I couldn't find a url that gives me the lat and lon for all the stations. """ stations_before = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", ] new_stations = [ i for i in dataframe.id_estacao.unique() if str(i) not in stations_before ] if len(new_stations) != 0: message = f"New station identified. You need to update INEA\ estacoes_inea adding station(s) {new_stations}: \ {dataframe[dataframe.id_estacao.isin(new_stations)]} " log(message) raise ENDRUN(state=Failed(message))
Check if the updated stations are the same as before. If not, consider flow as failed and call attention to add this new station on estacoes_cemaden. I can't automatically update this new station, because I couldn't find a url that gives me the lat and lon for all the stations.
def check_new_data(dfr_pluviometric: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dfr_fluviometric: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> Tuple[bool, bool]-
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@task( nout=2, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def check_new_data( dfr_pluviometric: pd.DataFrame, dfr_fluviometric: pd.DataFrame, ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ Check if the dataframes are empty """ new_pluviometric_data = True new_fluviometric_data = True if dfr_pluviometric.shape[0] == 0: log("No new pluviometric data available on API") new_pluviometric_data = False if dfr_fluviometric.shape[0] == 0: log("No new fluviometric data available on API") new_fluviometric_data = False return new_pluviometric_data, new_fluviometric_data
Check if the dataframes are empty
def download_data() ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task( nout=2, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def download_data() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download data from API """ estacoes = { "1": "225543320", # Campo Grande "2": "BE70E166", # Capela Mayrink "3": "225543250", # Eletrobras "4": "2243088", # Realengo "5": "225443130", # Sao Cristovao } dataframe = pd.DataFrame() for key, value in estacoes.items(): url = f"{value}.xlsx" dataframe_temp = pd.read_excel(url) dataframe_temp["id_estacao"] = key dataframe = pd.concat([dataframe, dataframe_temp]) return dataframe
Download data from API
def save_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, folder_name: str = None) ‑> str | pathlib.Path
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@task def save_data(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, folder_name: str = None) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP """ prepath = Path("/tmp/precipitacao") if folder_name: prepath = Path("/tmp/precipitacao") / folder_name prepath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) log(f"Start saving data on {prepath}") log(f"Data to be saved {dataframe.head()}") partition_column = "data_medicao" dataframe, partitions = parse_date_columns(dataframe, partition_column) current_time ="America/Sao_Paulo").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") to_partitions( data=dataframe, partition_columns=partitions, savepath=prepath, data_type="csv", suffix=current_time, ) log(f"[DEBUG] Files saved on {prepath}") return prepath
Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP
def treat_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
mode: str = 'dev') ‑> Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]-
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@task( nout=2, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def treat_data( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = "dev" ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Rename cols and filter data using Redis """ dataframe["data_medicao"] = ( pd.to_datetime(dataframe.Data, format="%d/%m/%Y").dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " " + dataframe["Hora"] + ":00" ) rename_cols = { "Chuva Último dado": "acumulado_chuva_15_min", " Chuva Acumulada 1H": "acumulado_chuva_1_h", " Chuva Acumulada 4H": "acumulado_chuva_4_h", " Chuva Acumulada 24H": "acumulado_chuva_24_h", " Chuva Acumulada 96H": "acumulado_chuva_96_h", " Chuva Acumulada 30D": "acumulado_chuva_30_d", " Último Nível": "altura_agua", } dataframe.rename(columns=rename_cols, inplace=True) # replace all "Dado Nulo" to nan dataframe.replace({"Dado Nulo": np.nan}, inplace=True) # Eliminate where the id_estacao is the same keeping the smallest one dataframe.sort_values( ["id_estacao", "data_medicao"] + list(rename_cols.values()), inplace=True ) dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=["id_estacao", "data_medicao"], keep="first") date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # dataframe["data_medicao"] = dataframe["data_medicao"].dt.strftime(date_format) log(f"Dataframe before comparing with last data saved on redis {dataframe.head()}") log(f"Dataframe before comparing {dataframe[dataframe['id_estacao']=='1']}") dataframe = save_updated_rows_on_redis( dataframe, dataset_id, table_id, unique_id="id_estacao", date_column="data_medicao", date_format=date_format, mode=mode, ) log(f"Dataframe after comparing with last data saved on redis {dataframe.head()}") log(f"Dataframe after comparing {dataframe[dataframe['id_estacao']=='1']}") # If df is empty stop flow if dataframe.shape[0] == 0: skip_text = "No new data available on API" log(skip_text) raise ENDRUN(state=Skipped(skip_text)) pluviometric_cols = [ "id_estacao", "data_medicao", "acumulado_chuva_15_min", "acumulado_chuva_1_h", "acumulado_chuva_4_h", "acumulado_chuva_24_h", "acumulado_chuva_96_h", "acumulado_chuva_30_d", ] fluviometric_cols = ["id_estacao", "data_medicao", "altura_agua"] dfr_pluviometric = dataframe[pluviometric_cols].copy() dfr_fluviometric = dataframe.loc[ dataframe["altura_agua"] != "Estação pluviométrica", fluviometric_cols ].copy() # Replace all values bigger than 10000 on "altura_agua" to nan dfr_fluviometric.loc[ dfr_fluviometric["altura_agua"] > 10000, "altura_agua" ] = np.nan fluviometric_cols_order = [ "id_estacao", "data_medicao", "altura_agua", ] dfr_fluviometric = dfr_fluviometric[fluviometric_cols_order].copy() return dfr_pluviometric, dfr_fluviometric
Rename cols and filter data using Redis
def wait_task() ‑> None
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@task(skip_on_upstream_skip=False) def wait_task() -> None: """Task create because prefect was messing up paths to be saved on each table""" log("End waiting pluviometric task to end.")
Task create because prefect was messing up paths to be saved on each table