Module pipelines.rj_cor.meteorologia.precipitacao_cemaden.tasks
Tasks for precipitacao_cemaden
def check_for_new_stations(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, wait=None) ‑> None
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@task def check_for_new_stations( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: """ Check if the updated stations are the same as before. If not, consider flow as failed and call attention to add this new station on estacoes_cemaden. I can't automatically update this new station, because I couldn't find a url that gives me the lat and lon for all the stations. """ stations_before = [ "3043", "3044", "3045", "3114", "3215", "7593", "7594", "7595", "7596", "7597", "7599", "7600", "7601", "7602", "7603", "7606", "7609", "7610", "7611", "7612", "7613", "7614", "7615", ] new_stations = [ i for i in dataframe.id_estacao.unique() if str(i) not in stations_before ] if len(new_stations) != 0: message = f"New station identified. You need to update CEMADEN\ estacoes_cemaden adding station(s) {new_stations}: \ {dataframe[dataframe.id_estacao.isin(new_stations)]} " log(message) raise ENDRUN(state=Failed(message))
Check if the updated stations are the same as before. If not, consider flow as failed and call attention to add this new station on estacoes_cemaden. I can't automatically update this new station, because I couldn't find a url that gives me the lat and lon for all the stations.
def download_data() ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task( nout=2, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def download_data() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download data from API """ url = "" dataframe = pd.read_json(url) return dataframe
Download data from API
def save_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> str | pathlib.Path
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@task def save_data(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP """ prepath = Path("/tmp/precipitacao_cemaden/") prepath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) partition_column = "data_medicao" dataframe, partitions = parse_date_columns(dataframe, partition_column) current_time ="America/Sao_Paulo").strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") to_partitions( data=dataframe, partition_columns=partitions, savepath=prepath, data_type="csv", suffix=current_time, ) log(f"[DEBUG] Files saved on {prepath}") return prepath
Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP
def treat_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
mode: str = 'dev') ‑> Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, bool]-
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@task( nout=2, max_retries=constants.TASK_MAX_RETRIES.value, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=constants.TASK_RETRY_DELAY.value), ) def treat_data( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, dataset_id: str, table_id: str, mode: str = "dev" ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, bool]: """ Rename cols and filter data using hour and minute from the nearest current timestamp """ drop_cols = [ "uf", "codibge", "cidade", "nomeestacao", "tipoestacao", "status", ] rename_cols = { "idestacao": "id_estacao", "ultimovalor": "acumulado_chuva_10_min", "datahoraUltimovalor": "data_medicao_utc", "acc1hr": "acumulado_chuva_1_h", "acc3hr": "acumulado_chuva_3_h", "acc6hr": "acumulado_chuva_6_h", "acc12hr": "acumulado_chuva_12_h", "acc24hr": "acumulado_chuva_24_h", "acc48hr": "acumulado_chuva_48_h", "acc72hr": "acumulado_chuva_72_h", "acc96hr": "acumulado_chuva_96_h", } dataframe = ( dataframe[(dataframe["codibge"] == 3304557) & (dataframe["tipoestacao"] == 1)] .drop(drop_cols, axis=1) .rename(rename_cols, axis=1) ) log(f"\n[DEBUG]: df.head() {dataframe.head()}") # Convert from UTC to São Paulo timezone dataframe["data_medicao_utc"] = pd.to_datetime( dataframe["data_medicao_utc"], dayfirst=True ) + pd.DateOffset(hours=0) dataframe["data_medicao"] = ( dataframe["data_medicao_utc"] .dt.tz_localize("UTC") .dt.tz_convert("America/Sao_Paulo") ) see_cols = ["data_medicao_utc", "data_medicao", "id_estacao", "acumulado_chuva_1_h"] log(f"DEBUG: data utc -> GMT-3 {dataframe[see_cols]}") date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" dataframe["data_medicao"] = dataframe["data_medicao"].dt.strftime(date_format) log(f"DEBUG: data {dataframe[see_cols]}") # Change values '-' and np.nan to NULL dataframe.replace(["-", np.nan], [0, None], inplace=True) # Change negative values to None float_cols = [ "acumulado_chuva_10_min", "acumulado_chuva_1_h", "acumulado_chuva_3_h", "acumulado_chuva_6_h", "acumulado_chuva_12_h", "acumulado_chuva_24_h", "acumulado_chuva_48_h", "acumulado_chuva_72_h", "acumulado_chuva_96_h", ] dataframe[float_cols] = np.where( dataframe[float_cols] < 0, None, dataframe[float_cols] ) # Eliminate where the id_estacao is the same keeping the smallest one dataframe.sort_values(["id_estacao", "data_medicao"] + float_cols, inplace=True) dataframe.drop_duplicates(subset=["id_estacao", "data_medicao"], keep="first") log(f"Dataframe before comparing with last data saved on redis {dataframe.head()}") dataframe = save_updated_rows_on_redis( dataframe, dataset_id, table_id, unique_id="id_estacao", date_column="data_medicao", date_format=date_format, mode=mode, ) log(f"Dataframe after comparing with last data saved on redis {dataframe.head()}") # If df is empty stop flow if dataframe.shape[0] == 0: skip_text = "No new data available on API" log(skip_text) raise ENDRUN(state=Skipped(skip_text)) # Fix columns order dataframe = dataframe[ [ "id_estacao", "data_medicao", "acumulado_chuva_10_min", "acumulado_chuva_1_h", "acumulado_chuva_3_h", "acumulado_chuva_6_h", "acumulado_chuva_12_h", "acumulado_chuva_24_h", "acumulado_chuva_48_h", "acumulado_chuva_72_h", "acumulado_chuva_96_h", ] ] return dataframe
Rename cols and filter data using hour and minute from the nearest current timestamp