Module pipelines.rj_cor.meteorologia.meteorologia_redemet.tasks
Tasks for meteorologia_redemet
def check_for_new_stations(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, wait=None)
Check if the updated stations are the same as before. If not, consider flow as failed and call attention to change treat_data task.
def download_data(first_date: str, last_date: str) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Request data from especified date range
def download_stations_data() ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Download station information
def get_dates(first_date: str, last_date: str) ‑> Tuple[str, str]
Task to get first and last date. If none date is passed on parameters or we are not doing a backfill the first_date will be yesterday and last_date will be today. Otherwise, this function will return date inputed on flow's parameters.
def save_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, partition_column: str = 'data_medicao') ‑> Union[str, pathlib.Path]
Salve dataframe as a csv file
def treat_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, backfill: bool = 0) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Rename cols, convert timestamp, filter data for the actual date
def treat_stations_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Treat station data