Module pipelines.rj_cor.comando.eventos.tasks
Tasks for comando
def download_data_atividades(first_date, last_date, wait=None) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task( nout=1, max_retries=3, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=60), ) def download_data_atividades(first_date, last_date, wait=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download data from API """ url_secret = get_vault_secret("comando")["data"] url_atividades_evento = url_secret["endpoint_atividades_evento"] dfr = pd.read_json( f"{url_atividades_evento}/?data_i={first_date}&data_f={last_date}" ) return dfr
Download data from API
def download_data_ocorrencias(first_date, last_date, wait=None) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task( nout=1, max_retries=3, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=60), ) def download_data_ocorrencias(first_date, last_date, wait=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Download data from API """ # auth_token = get_token() url_secret = get_vault_secret("comando")["data"] url_eventos = url_secret["endpoint_eventos"] log(f"\n\nDownloading data from {first_date} to {last_date} (not included)") dfr = pd.read_json(f"{url_eventos}/?data_i={first_date}&data_f={last_date}") return dfr
Download data from API
def get_date_interval(first_date, last_date) ‑> Tuple[dict, str]
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@task def get_date_interval(first_date, last_date) -> Tuple[dict, str]: """ If `first_date` and `last_date` are provided, format it to DD/MM/YYYY. Else, get data from last 3 days. first_date: str YYYY-MM-DD last_date: str YYYY-MM-DD """ if first_date and last_date: first_date, last_date = format_date(first_date, last_date) else: last_date ="America/Sao_Paulo").date() first_date = last_date.subtract(days=3) first_date, last_date = format_date( first_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), last_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) return first_date, last_date
are provided, format it to DD/MM/YYYY. Else, get data from last 3 days. first_date: str YYYY-MM-DD last_date: str YYYY-MM-DD def get_redis_df(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str, mode: str = 'prod') ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task def get_redis_df( dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str, mode: str = "prod", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Acess redis to get the last saved df and compare to actual df, return only the rows from actual df that are not already saved. """ redis_key = build_redis_key(dataset_id, table_id, name, mode) log(f"Acessing redis_key: {redis_key}") dfr_redis = get_redis_output(redis_key) # dfr_redis = get_redis_output(redis_key, is_df=True) log(f"Redis output: {dfr_redis}") # if len(dfr_redis) == 0: # dfr_redis = pd.DataFrame() # dict_redis = {k: None for k in columns} # print(f"\nCreating Redis fake values for key: {redis_key}\n") # print(dict_redis) # dfr_redis = pd.DataFrame( # dict_redis, index=[0] # ) # else: # dfr_redis = pd.DataFrame( # dict_redis.items(), columns=columns # ) # print(f"\nConverting redis dict to df: \n{dfr_redis.head()}") return dfr_redis
Acess redis to get the last saved df and compare to actual df, return only the rows from actual df that are not already saved.
def get_redis_max_date(dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str = None, mode: str = 'prod') ‑> str
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@task def get_redis_max_date( dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str = None, mode: str = "prod", ) -> str: """ Acess redis to get the last saved date and compare to actual df. """ redis_key = build_redis_key(dataset_id, table_id, name, mode) log(f"Acessing redis_key: {redis_key}") redis_max_date = get_redis_output(redis_key) try: redis_max_date = redis_max_date["max_date"] except KeyError: redis_max_date = "1990-01-01" log("Creating a fake date because this key doesn't exist.") log(f"Redis output: {redis_max_date}") return redis_max_date
Acess redis to get the last saved date and compare to actual df.
def not_none(something: Any) ‑> bool
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@task def not_none(something: Any) -> bool: """ Returns True if something is not None. """ return something is not None
Returns True if something is not None.
def save_data(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> str | pathlib.Path
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@task def save_data(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP """ prepath = Path("/tmp/data/") prepath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) partition_column = "data_inicio" dataframe, partitions = parse_date_columns(dataframe, partition_column) to_partitions( data=dataframe, partition_columns=partitions, savepath=prepath, data_type="csv", ) log(f"[DEBUG] Files saved on {prepath}") return prepath
Save data on a csv file to be uploaded to GCP
def save_no_partition(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, append: bool = False) ‑> str
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@task def save_no_partition(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, append: bool = False) -> str: """ Saves a dataframe to a temporary directory and returns the path to the directory. """ if "sigla" in dataframe.columns: dataframe = dataframe.sort_values(["id_pop", "sigla", "acao"]) else: dataframe = dataframe.sort_values("id_pop") path_to_directory = "/tmp/" + str(uuid4().hex) + "/" os.makedirs(path_to_directory, exist_ok=True) if append: current_time ="America/Sao_Paulo").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") dataframe.to_csv(path_to_directory + f"dados_{current_time}.csv", index=False) else: dataframe.to_csv(path_to_directory + "dados.csv", index=False) return path_to_directory
Saves a dataframe to a temporary directory and returns the path to the directory.
def save_redis_max_date(dataset_id: str,
table_id: str,
name: str = None,
mode: str = 'prod',
redis_max_date: str = None,
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@task def save_redis_max_date( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments dataset_id: str, table_id: str, name: str = None, mode: str = "prod", redis_max_date: str = None, wait=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ): """ Acess redis to save last date. """ redis_key = build_redis_key(dataset_id, table_id, name, mode) log(f"Acessing redis_key: {redis_key}") save_str_on_redis(redis_key, "max_date", redis_max_date)
Acess redis to save last date.
def treat_data_atividades(dfr: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
dfr_redis: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
columns: list) ‑> Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]-
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@task(nout=2) def treat_data_atividades( dfr: pd.DataFrame, dfr_redis: pd.DataFrame, columns: list, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Normalize data to be similiar to old API. """ print("Start treating data") dfr.orgao = dfr.orgao.replace(["\r", "\n"], ["", ""], regex=True) print(f"Dataframe before comparing with last data saved on redis {dfr.head()}") dfr, dfr_redis = compare_actual_df_with_redis_df( dfr, dfr_redis, columns, ) print(f"Dataframe after comparing with last data saved on redis {dfr.head()}") # If df is empty stop flow if dfr.shape[0] == 0: skip_text = "No new data available on API" print(skip_text) raise ENDRUN(state=Skipped(skip_text)) mandatory_cols = [ "id_evento", "sigla", "orgao", # esse não tem na tabela antiga "data_chegada", "data_inicio", "data_fim", "descricao", "status", ] # Create cols if they don exist on new API for col in mandatory_cols: if col not in dfr.columns: dfr[col] = None categorical_cols = [ "sigla", "orgao", "descricao", "status", ] print("\n\nDEBUG", dfr[categorical_cols]) for i in categorical_cols: dfr[i] = dfr[i].str.capitalize() # dfr[i] = dfr[i].apply(unidecode) for col in ["data_inicio", "data_fim", "data_chegada"]: dfr[col] = pd.to_datetime(dfr[col], errors="coerce") # TODO: Essa conversão é temporária for col in ["data_inicio", "data_fim", "data_chegada"]: dfr[col] = dfr[col].dt.tz_convert("America/Sao_Paulo") for col in ["data_inicio", "data_fim", "data_chegada"]: dfr[col] = dfr[col].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Set the order to match the original table dfr = dfr[mandatory_cols] # Create a column with time of row creation to keep last event on dbt dfr["created_at"] ="America/Sao_Paulo").strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) return dfr.drop_duplicates(), dfr_redis
Normalize data to be similiar to old API.
def treat_data_ocorrencias(dfr: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, redis_max_date: str) ‑> Tuple[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]
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@task(nout=2) def treat_data_ocorrencias( dfr: pd.DataFrame, redis_max_date: str, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ Rename cols and normalize data. """ log("Start treating data") dfr = dfr.rename( columns={ "id": "id_evento", "pop_id": "id_pop", "inicio": "data_inicio", "fim": "data_fim", "pop": "pop_titulo", "titulo": "pop_especificacao", } ) log(f"First row: \n{dfr.iloc[0]}") dfr["id_evento"] = dfr["id_evento"].astype(float).astype(int).astype(str) for col in ["data_inicio", "data_fim"]: dfr[col] = pd.to_datetime(dfr[col], errors="coerce") max_date = dfr[["data_inicio", "data_fim"]].max().max() max_date = max_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") log(f"Last API data was {max_date} and last redis uptade was {redis_max_date}") if max_date <= redis_max_date: skip_text = "No new data available on API" print(skip_text) raise ENDRUN(state=Skipped(skip_text)) # Get new max_date to save on redis redis_max_date = max_date dfr["tipo"] = dfr["tipo"].replace( { "Primária": "Primario", "Secundária": "Secundario", } ) dfr["descricao"] = dfr["descricao"].apply(unidecode) mandatory_cols = [ "id_pop", "id_evento", "bairro", "data_inicio", "data_fim", "prazo", "descricao", "gravidade", "latitude", "longitude", "status", "tipo", ] # Create cols if they don exist on new API for col in mandatory_cols: if col not in dfr.columns: dfr[col] = None categorical_cols = [ "bairro", "descricao", "gravidade", "status", "tipo", "pop_titulo", ] for i in categorical_cols: dfr[i] = dfr[i].str.capitalize() # This treatment is temporary. Now the id_pop from API is comming with the same value as id_evento dfr = treat_wrong_id_pop(dfr) log(f"This id_pop are missing {dfr[dfr.id_pop.isna()]} they were replaced by 99") dfr["id_pop"] = dfr["id_pop"].fillna(99) # Treat id_pop col dfr["id_pop"] = dfr["id_pop"].astype(float).astype(int) for col in ["data_inicio", "data_fim"]: dfr[col] = dfr[col].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Set the order to match the original table dfr = dfr[mandatory_cols] # Create a column with time of row creation to keep last event on dbt dfr["created_at"] ="America/Sao_Paulo").strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) return dfr.drop_duplicates(), redis_max_date
Rename cols and normalize data.