Module pipelines.rj_cor.bot_semaforo.tasks
Tasks for cor
def format_message(dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) ‑> pandas.core.series.Series
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@task(checkpoint=False) def format_message(dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series: """ Formats the message before sending it. """ # Create a link for eath alert on google maps def map_link(dataframe: pd.DataFrame): url = ( "" + dataframe["semaforo_latitude"].astype(str) + "," + dataframe["semaforo_longitude"].astype(str) + "&zoom=21" ) url = '<a href="' + url + '">' + dataframe["description"] + "</a>" return url def current_date_time(): """ Gets current "date and time" and "current date and time minus 1 hour in list [current, current_minus_1h] """ date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" current = datetime.strptime("America/Sao_Paulo")).strftime(date_format), date_format, ) current_minus_1h = current - timedelta(minutes=60) return current_minus_1h, current # Builds all alert messages alert = None thumbs_up_emoji = "\U0001F44D" current_minus_1h, current = current_date_time() mask = (dataframe["initial_ts"] > current_minus_1h) & ( dataframe["initial_ts"] <= current ) filered_alerts = dataframe[mask] if len(filered_alerts) > 0: filered_alerts["url"] = map_link(filered_alerts) filered_alerts["alert"] = ( filered_alerts["initial_ts"].apply(lambda x: str(x)[11:16]) + " - " + filered_alerts["name"] + " - " + filered_alerts["url"] + " - " + filered_alerts["sum_thumbs_up"].astype(str) + thumbs_up_emoji + "\n \n" ) alert = "".join(filered_alerts["alert"].tolist()) traffic_light_emoji = "\U0001F6A6" msg_header = ( traffic_light_emoji + " CETRIO" + "\n \nALERTA WAZE - Semáforo quebrado - atualizado em " + current.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n" + "Alertas no período de: " + current_minus_1h.strftime("%H:%M") + " -> " + current.strftime("%H:%M") + "\n \n" ) # Builds final message if alert: msg = msg_header + alert else: alert = "Não foram encontrados alertas no período" + "\n \n" msg = msg_header + alert return smart_split( text=msg, max_length=constants.TELEGRAM_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH.value, separator="\n", )
Formats the message before sending it.
def get_data() ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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@task(checkpoint=False) def get_data() -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns the dataframe with the alerts. """ query = """ WITH semaforos AS ( SELECT *, ST_BUFFER(geometry, 100) raio FROM `rj-escritorio-dev.transporte_rodoviario_cet.semaforos`), distinct_selection AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ts, uuid FROM `rj-escritorio-dev.transporte_rodoviario_waze.alertas` WHERE type = 'HAZARD' AND subtype='HAZARD_ON_ROAD_TRAFFIC_LIGHT_FAULT' AND city = 'Rio de Janeiro' AND DATE_DIFF(CURRENT_DATE(), CAST(ts as DATETIME), DAY) < 1 ), intermediate_query AS ( SELECT distinct_selection.*, original.street, original.geometry, original.number_thumbs_up, original.reliability FROM distinct_selection LEFT JOIN `rj-escritorio-dev.transporte_rodoviario_waze.alertas` AS original ON distinct_selection.ts = original.ts AND distinct_selection.uuid = original.uuid WHERE original.street IS NOT NULL AND = "Rio de Janeiro" ORDER BY ts), clusters AS ( SELECT *, -- epsilon: The epsilon that specifies the radius, measured in meters, -- around a core value. 10 20 50 ST_CLUSTERDBSCAN(geometry, 50, 1) OVER () AS cluster_num, SAFE_CAST(FORMAT_DATE('%s', ts) AS INT64) AS ts_epoch, FROM intermediate_query), pontos_de_alertas AS ( SELECT cluster_num, MAX(ts) as ts, MAX(uuid) as uuid, MAX(street) as street, SUM( CASE WHEN number_thumbs_up is not null then CAST(number_thumbs_up as FLOAT64) ELSE 0 END ) as number_thumbs_up, MAX(reliability) as reliability, MAX(ts_epoch) as ts_epoch, ST_CENTROID_AGG(geometry) centroid, COUNT(*) as number_cluster_alerts FROM clusters GROUP BY cluster_num ORDER BY cluster_num), alertas_no_raio AS ( SELECT, DATETIME(MIN(ts), 'America/Sao_Paulo') initial_ts, s.description, SUM(a.number_thumbs_up) sum_thumbs_up FROM semaforos as s INNER JOIN pontos_de_alertas as a ON ST_COVERS(s.raio, a.centroid) GROUP BY, s.description) SELECT alertas_no_raio.*, ST_Y(geometry) semaforo_latitude, ST_X(geometry) semaforo_longitude FROM alertas_no_raio LEFT JOIN semaforos ON = ORDER BY initial_ts DESC """ return bd.read_sql(query=query, billing_project_id="rj-cor", from_file=True)
Returns the dataframe with the alerts.
def get_token_and_group_id(secret_path: str) ‑> Tuple[str, int]
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@task(checkpoint=False, nout=2) def get_token_and_group_id(secret_path: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Returns Telegram token and group ID from a secret file. """ secret = get_vault_secret(secret_path, client=None) return ( secret["data"]["token"].strip(), int(secret["data"]["group_id"].strip()), )
Returns Telegram token and group ID from a secret file.
def send_messages(token: str, group_id: str, messages: List[str]) ‑> None
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@task(checkpoint=False) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def send_messages(token: str, group_id: str, messages: List[str]) -> None: """ Sends the alerts to the Telegram group. """ for message in messages: if message != "": send_telegram_message(message=message, token=token, chat_id=group_id) url = ( '<a href="">' + "MAPA GERAL</a>" ) send_telegram_message(message=url, token=token, chat_id=group_id)
Sends the alerts to the Telegram group.