Module fhir_utils.healthcare_api

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from google.auth.transport import requests
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import os

class HealthcareApi:
    This class provides the basic methods for interacting with FHIR resources in the Google Healthcare API.

    def __init__(self, project_id, location):
        self.credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"])
        self.scoped_credentials = self.credentials.with_scopes([""])
        self.session = requests.AuthorizedSession(self.scoped_credentials)
        self.project_id = project_id
        self.location = location
        self.base_url = ""
        self.url = (f"{self.base_url}/projects/{self.project_id}/locations/{self.location}")
        self.header = {"Content-Type": "application/fhir+json;charset=utf-8"}

    def create(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            payload: dict
            ) -> dict:
        """Create a new resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"

        response =, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def update(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str,
            payload: dict,
            ) -> dict:
        """Update an existing resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def update_conditional(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            condition: str,
            payload: dict,
            ) -> dict:
        If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
         updates the entire contents of that resource.
        If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body contains an id,
         and the FHIR store has enableUpdateCreate set, creates the resource with the client-specified ID.
        If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body does not contain an id,
         the resource is created with a server-assigned ID as per the create method.

        Feature only available in beta endpoint.

        Response code:
            200 Success
                Updated or created successfully
            412 Precondition Failed
                If the search criteria identify more than one match


        base_url_beta = ""
        url_beta = f"{base_url_beta}/projects/{self.project_id}/locations/{self.location}"

        resource_path = f"{url_beta}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
        resource_path += f"?{condition}"

        response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def read(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the contents of a specific resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def read_conditional(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            condition: str
            ) -> dict:
        If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
        read the entire contents of that resource.
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
        resource_path += f"?{condition}"

        response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def delete(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str
            ) -> dict:
        Delete a resource from the FHIR store

        Response code:
            200 Success
                If the resource was deleted or not found
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.delete(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

class FastCRUD(HealthcareApi):
    """The  FastCRUD  class is a subclass of HealthcareApi that provides additional convenience methods for most common CRUD actions."""

    def __init__(self, project_id, location):
        super().__init__(project_id, location)

    def resource_search_lastupdated(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            since: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the entries from a resource in the FHIR store that were last updated after a specific date and time"""
        parameter = f"_lastUpdated=gt{since}"
        return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, resource, parameter)

    def patient_search(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            cpf: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
        parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
        return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter)

    def patient_update(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            cpf: str,
            payload: dict
            ) -> dict:
        """Update the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
        parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
        return self.update_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter, payload)


class FastCRUD (project_id, location)

The FastCRUD class is a subclass of HealthcareApi that provides additional convenience methods for most common CRUD actions.

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class FastCRUD(HealthcareApi):
    """The  FastCRUD  class is a subclass of HealthcareApi that provides additional convenience methods for most common CRUD actions."""

    def __init__(self, project_id, location):
        super().__init__(project_id, location)

    def resource_search_lastupdated(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            since: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the entries from a resource in the FHIR store that were last updated after a specific date and time"""
        parameter = f"_lastUpdated=gt{since}"
        return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, resource, parameter)

    def patient_search(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            cpf: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
        parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
        return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter)

    def patient_update(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            cpf: str,
            payload: dict
            ) -> dict:
        """Update the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
        parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
        return self.update_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter, payload)



Read the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)

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def patient_search(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        cpf: str
        ) -> dict:
    """Read the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
    parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
    return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter)
def patient_update(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, cpf: str, payload: dict) ‑> dict

Update the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)

Expand source code
def patient_update(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        cpf: str,
        payload: dict
        ) -> dict:
    """Update the entries from Patient resource in the FHIR store based on tax id (CPF)"""
    parameter = f"identifier=|{cpf}"
    return self.update_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, "Patient", parameter, payload)
def resource_search_lastupdated(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, since: str) ‑> dict

Read the entries from a resource in the FHIR store that were last updated after a specific date and time

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def resource_search_lastupdated(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        since: str
        ) -> dict:
    """Read the entries from a resource in the FHIR store that were last updated after a specific date and time"""
    parameter = f"_lastUpdated=gt{since}"
    return self.read_conditional(dataset_id, fhir_store_id, resource, parameter)

Inherited members

class HealthcareApi (project_id, location)

This class provides the basic methods for interacting with FHIR resources in the Google Healthcare API.


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class HealthcareApi:
    This class provides the basic methods for interacting with FHIR resources in the Google Healthcare API.

    def __init__(self, project_id, location):
        self.credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"])
        self.scoped_credentials = self.credentials.with_scopes([""])
        self.session = requests.AuthorizedSession(self.scoped_credentials)
        self.project_id = project_id
        self.location = location
        self.base_url = ""
        self.url = (f"{self.base_url}/projects/{self.project_id}/locations/{self.location}")
        self.header = {"Content-Type": "application/fhir+json;charset=utf-8"}

    def create(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            payload: dict
            ) -> dict:
        """Create a new resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"

        response =, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def update(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str,
            payload: dict,
            ) -> dict:
        """Update an existing resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def update_conditional(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            condition: str,
            payload: dict,
            ) -> dict:
        If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
         updates the entire contents of that resource.
        If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body contains an id,
         and the FHIR store has enableUpdateCreate set, creates the resource with the client-specified ID.
        If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body does not contain an id,
         the resource is created with a server-assigned ID as per the create method.

        Feature only available in beta endpoint.

        Response code:
            200 Success
                Updated or created successfully
            412 Precondition Failed
                If the search criteria identify more than one match


        base_url_beta = ""
        url_beta = f"{base_url_beta}/projects/{self.project_id}/locations/{self.location}"

        resource_path = f"{url_beta}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
        resource_path += f"?{condition}"

        response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def read(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str
            ) -> dict:
        """Read the contents of a specific resource in the FHIR store"""
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def read_conditional(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            condition: str
            ) -> dict:
        If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
        read the entire contents of that resource.
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
        resource_path += f"?{condition}"

        response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}

    def delete(
            dataset_id: str,
            fhir_store_id: str,
            resource: str,
            resource_id: str
            ) -> dict:
        Delete a resource from the FHIR store

        Response code:
            200 Success
                If the resource was deleted or not found
        resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

        response = self.session.delete(resource_path, headers=self.header)

        return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}



def create(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, payload: dict) ‑> dict

Create a new resource in the FHIR store

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def create(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        payload: dict
        ) -> dict:
    """Create a new resource in the FHIR store"""
    resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"

    response =, headers=self.header, json=payload)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}
def delete(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, resource_id: str) ‑> dict

Delete a resource from the FHIR store

Response code: 200 Success If the resource was deleted or not found

Expand source code
def delete(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        resource_id: str
        ) -> dict:
    Delete a resource from the FHIR store

    Response code:
        200 Success
            If the resource was deleted or not found
    resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

    response = self.session.delete(resource_path, headers=self.header)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}
def read(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, resource_id: str) ‑> dict

Read the contents of a specific resource in the FHIR store

Expand source code
def read(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        resource_id: str
        ) -> dict:
    """Read the contents of a specific resource in the FHIR store"""
    resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

    response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}
def read_conditional(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, condition: str) ‑> dict

If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters, read the entire contents of that resource.

Expand source code
def read_conditional(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        condition: str
        ) -> dict:
    If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
    read the entire contents of that resource.
    resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
    resource_path += f"?{condition}"

    response = self.session.get(resource_path, headers=self.header)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}
def update(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, resource_id: str, payload: dict) ‑> dict

Update an existing resource in the FHIR store

Expand source code
def update(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        resource_id: str,
        payload: dict,
        ) -> dict:
    """Update an existing resource in the FHIR store"""
    resource_path = f"{self.url}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}/{resource_id}"

    response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}
def update_conditional(self, dataset_id: str, fhir_store_id: str, resource: str, condition: str, payload: dict) ‑> dict

If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters, updates the entire contents of that resource. If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body contains an id, and the FHIR store has enableUpdateCreate set, creates the resource with the client-specified ID. If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body does not contain an id, the resource is created with a server-assigned ID as per the create method.

Feature only available in beta endpoint.


Response code: 200 Success Updated or created successfully 412 Precondition Failed If the search criteria identify more than one match

Expand source code
def update_conditional(
        dataset_id: str,
        fhir_store_id: str,
        resource: str,
        condition: str,
        payload: dict,
        ) -> dict:
    If a resource is found based on the search criteria specified in the query parameters,
     updates the entire contents of that resource.
    If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body contains an id,
     and the FHIR store has enableUpdateCreate set, creates the resource with the client-specified ID.
    If the search criteria identify zero matches, and the supplied resource body does not contain an id,
     the resource is created with a server-assigned ID as per the create method.

    Feature only available in beta endpoint.

    Response code:
        200 Success
            Updated or created successfully
        412 Precondition Failed
            If the search criteria identify more than one match


    base_url_beta = ""
    url_beta = f"{base_url_beta}/projects/{self.project_id}/locations/{self.location}"

    resource_path = f"{url_beta}/datasets/{dataset_id}/fhirStores/{fhir_store_id}/fhir/{resource}"
    resource_path += f"?{condition}"

    response = self.session.put(resource_path, headers=self.header, json=payload)

    return {"status_code": response.status_code, "body": response.json()}